Pankaj Shah

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Yes I want an awesome website.

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Search Engine Optimisation Tutorials, SEO Tips, Articles & Infographics


Boosting Your Online Presence: SEO Strategies for York-Based Businesses

In today's digital age, establishing a robust online presence is essential for businesses in York to attract local customers and stay competitive.


How Digital PR and SEO Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

A term we are seeing bandied around a lot more in the marketing space is ‘digital PR’. It’s not hard to see why providers are using it more often - let’s be honest, it does have a classiness to it and sounds like a higher-end service


Navigating the Post-Helpful Content Update: Strategies for Vetting Quality Backlinks in 2024

With the Helpful Content Update rolling out in March, the SEO game has changed. This update makes one thing clear: quality content is king. This is a concept that Google has hung its hat on for years and it couldn’t be more relevant than in 2024. For those looking to stand out in the SEO space, it's crucial to grasp what this means with respect to your backlinking strategy.


Common Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Onsite SEO

SEO copywriting is a delicate balance of crafting content that resonates with readers while also satisfying the algorithms that power search engines. Unfortunately with the sheer volume of content out there, you need to do more than just write compelling content; you need to make sure it also ticks Google’s boxes too.


What Is E-A-T Optimised Content, and What Is Its Role in SEO?

The profitability and sustainability of your business will function in close connection with the marketing strategy you use. Do you want to achieve organic growth in market share? To attract the attention of your target audience? To enjoy more visibility in the SERPs?


8 Linkable Content Ideas That Attract Backlinks

Your site needs a strong backlink profile for successful promotion in search engines. You can collect quality backlinks primarily by using interesting and exciting linkable content. It is a golden rule. However, many Internet project owners rarely follow it.


Top 7 Hacks to Ensure SEO-Friendly Website Development

How you design your site determines how it performs in search engines, so remember 7 hacks for an improved web design and SEO success.


Local Citations And SEO: The Connection Explained

The digital landscape is ever-changing, prompting businesses and marketers to constantly seek ways to enhance their online visibility and branding and generate more traffic. Local citations and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) have become essential tools in this pursuit. This article will delve into their relationship and highlight the importance of understanding this connection for your online growth.


Improve Your SEO with Website Localisation

Thanks to advances in technology, people from all corners of the world can connect and reach global audiences more easily than ever. As businesses expand their ventures beyond borders, one crucial strategy stands out for enhancing online visibility and driving organic traffic: website translation and localisation.


How To Add SEO Keywords To Shopify - The Essentials

In the world of e-commerce, having a stunning Shopify store is just the beginning. To truly succeed and stand out in the digital marketplace, it's essential to optimize your store for search engines. One of the most powerful tools in your SEO arsenal is the strategic use of keywords.


Types of Link Building to Boost Your SEO Ranking

More than half of all online journeys begin with a search, and SEO drives 1000%+ more traffic than social media. And in the world of search engines, Google rules. You probably already know this if you are a marketer or running your business site. Think of the number of companies that invest in link-building year after year. Why else would they go through all that trouble if it didn't bring results?


Beginners Guide to Yoast SEO 2023

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that helps users optimise their websites for search engines. It was developed by Yoast, a company that specialises in WordPress plugins and services for SEO and online marketing.


Startup 101: 7 Tips For Choosing An SEO-Friendly Domain Name

Building a startup company can be challenging, especially with the tough competition you have to deal with. Apart from ensuring that you start a type of business that’ll get you plenty of audiences, you also need to ensure that your business name is easily recognisable for everyone to easily find you on the web easily, for instance. That said, when you pick a business name, you also need to consider the ideal domain name.


11 Expert SEO Tips for Small Businesses in 2022

SEO is constantly changing, and if you want your small business to stay ahead of the competition in 2022, you must be up-to-date on the latest trends. In this blog post, we will discuss some expert SEO tips so that your business ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Follow these tips, and you'll significantly improve your website's visibility and organic traffic.


How to get backlinks - guide for beginners

Do you want to get your website noticed by search engines? Do you want visitors to explore your content and keep coming back? If yes, you need more backlinks. But, how do you get backlinks? The answer might seem like a no-brainer, but many new website owners make this mistake. They think that getting backlinks is something that needs to be done by buying links or using a link builder. But, that’s not true.


10 Technical errors that harm your website: How to find and fix them with SE Ranking

Running a website seems easy. Some think it is about having a user-friendly design and well-thought-out content, which leads to conversions and profits. But the harsh reality is, that you constantly have to deal with technical issues that prevent your website from driving traffic.


Fighting Your Corner: Assertive SEO for 2022

Ranking your website high on Google is never an easy task. Not only is this true because you have to take a lot of things into account, but also because Google often changes the rules without notifying you.


The best SEO strategies to help you dominate your niche

Today, operating a business carries both opportunities and obstacles. Part of the benefit of carrying on a business these days is the enormous number of resources that companies can harness to make remarkable progress in their operations. Be that as it may, the competition is also a lot stiffer nowadays. You have to utilise all the accessible resources and technology to make a massive leap as an enterprise in e-commerce.


Best keyword research tools you wish you knew

A keyword research tool, as the name implies, refers to the tool that can help you look for keyword ideas that people are searching for on different search engines. These tools will allow you to find your keywords easily. Similarly, a keyword research tool will help you look for content ideas, and from those ideas, you’ll be able to plan your content strategy. Furthermore, you can take advantage of these tools for competitive analysis, in which you’ll look for keywords that are ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). With keywords, you can enhance and even make a new content strategy and get traffic.


Importance of the High-Quality Content for SEO

Do you want your message to reach the right audience? Do you want your page to appear on the first page of Google search results? If so, work on the quality of your copy. You may be trying hard with the SEO of your website. But, without quality content, you can't reach your goals.


How to find broken links on your website | Website SEO tips

One important aspect of SEO and web development is to regularly check your business website for broken links. Google and other search engines like websites that work correctly and broken links are not good for user interaction.


How to install Keyword Surfer Chrome Plugin for SEO keyword research

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to install Keyword Surfer Chrome Plugin for SEO keyword research. Keyword surfer is a free Google Chrome extension that gives you keyword metrics directly in Google Chome search results. If you want to optimise your website for search engine rankings, then it makes sense that you first do proper keyword research to make sure you are optimising your website for relevant keywords.


How to install SEO Quake Chrome plugin for website SEO optimisation

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to install the SEO Quake Chrome plugin for website SEO optimisation. SEO Quake is a free Google Chrome Plugin that allows you to complete some key SEO tasks for on-page search engine optimisation.


What Is Broken Link Building?

Link building is an integral part of SEO. To do it effectively, you'll need to post content on high-quality websites and link back to your site. Google will be able to tell that your business is reputable, as you've got links to websites with a high Domain Authority (DA), increasing your search engine ranking as a result. Although there are plenty of ways to build links, today, we will talk about broken link building. But first, let’s have a deeper understanding of what broken links are.


SEO Demands Fresh Content | SEO Tips You Need to Know

Creating amazing content is driven by consumers who demand that their search results produce real value. Users wanted information, education, entertainment, and inspiration, and Google had no choice but to respond with the best content possible. 


9 Actionable Local SEO Tips and Tricks For Business Owners

We find ourselves in the new, globalised marketplace. The marketing strategies have changed in just a couple of decades. The most notable cause of this shift is the advent of the Internet. Learn from these local SEO tips and tricks For business owners and give your online presence a boost.


25 sites to help increase your domain trust

One of our primary goals for moving up the search engine rankings is to improve our website domain's trust. We should focus on quality backlinks rather than thousands of spammy, low-quality links to our website. There are many different ways to improve your website's TrustRank. In this article, we will focus on creating backlinks from high authority websites.


The 12 most important SEO tips you need to know

Search engine optimisation is constantly changing and we need to understand the fundamental principles to ensure we can generate potential buyer traffic to our websites. The goal of this article is to give you those 10 most important SEO tips to make sure your content has the potential to rank high in search engines. Focus on these primary SEO tips and you should see an improvement in the volume of traffic to your business website.


How to improve your website SEO using Schema Markup - Beginners Guide to Structured Data 2021

Throughout this article, I will aim to show you how schema markup (structured data) can improve your website SEO and why you should make it a part of your SEO strategy. Schema markup is code that can be added to your website pages which helps search engines to understand the type of content on your website pages and better represent it on the (SERPs) search engine results page.


21 Awesome SEO Tips for Business Growth - Infographic

For most businesses, the lockdown has been a total pain in the ***. But we should not stop our efforts to improve website SEO which will give our businesses a boost when the lockdown is lifted!


Beginners SEO Tips: Checklist for 13 Step to Improve Your Website SEO - Infographic

Are you looking to improve your search engine optimisation knowledge? Do you understand the basics for getting better ranking results?


The Hidden Power of Long Tail SEO

Long-tail SEO is the use of longer, more detailed keyword phrases in URLs. These keywords are more specific than shorter core terms, consisting of three or more words. Whilst long-tail keywords are less common, they are more valuable to businesses; they tend to generate higher quality leads, with higher rates of conversion to sales.


Super tips you need to know for local SEO

If your a new local business it can seem a daunting task to fully understand SEO. Search Engine Optimisation is constantly changing and keeping up with the latest trends can feel like a full-time job.


21 SEO Tips for ranking blog posts in Google search results

Creating blog posts that rank well on Google Search can be tricky if you have limited content writing and SEO knowledge, let alone web development. Personally, I write all my blog posts in a text editor before evening thinking about publishing on my website. By using a text editor I can quickly find and fix spelling/grammar errors. I can also structure the blog post quicker and even use voice to text to speed up the process.


How to rank high on Google using these simple SEO techniques

SEO seems to be a forever changing landscape, but there are some common tasks we can do to ensure we can achieve the nest search engine visibility. Speed is king! - making sure your website loads fast is one of the key factors for a good search engine ranking. Have you ever been to a website which simply takes ages to load? I feel your pain!


How to complete a basic SEO audit for your business website

Having your website is great but it isn’t easy to maintain from an SEO perspective. In the ever-changing world today, the way we search for knowledge is changing. It is, thus essential to keep your website up-to-date. But, how can we do this? Well, a simple solution is to conduct a basic SEO audit at least twice a year.


Super tips for improving your website SEO link building

Link building is pretty hard to do because there are a lot of factors that you have to take into consideration. But if you do this adequately, you can reach some amazing results and the outcome can be downright awesome.


Top tips for creating SEO content that ranks high in Google Search Engine

Creating website content that ranks high in search engines is not difficult if you are following best practice. The key here is that Google wants to give a user the best search results for their query. Your goal is to create awesome optimised content which can answer a question, promote a product or service.


Top 6 reasons why your business website needs search engine optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation, more commonly known as SEO is a critical part of digital marketing tactics. From the smallest companies to the corporations, all companies depend on SEO for online marketing and sales.


Top tips for SEO keyword phrase research

Understanding how your customers find you on search engines is one of the most important factors for SEO keyword research. There is no point in optimising your website for keyword phrases that generate very little traffic unless your product or service is very targeted.


What is machine learning and the impact on business SEO

The future of SEO is always changing, and there’s a reason for that. Algorithms are changing to the point where you can deliver extremely accurate search results for user queries.


12 SEO trends that you really need to know!

SEO is constantly changing when it comes to the search browsers of the internet. For your own sake and your company, you need to make sure you keep up to date with the new trends. Here you will find 12 SEO trends that will help you stay on top of your game and keep producing you will new results.


8 key elements to get your website ranking on 1st page of Google

With the wild web changing frequently all businesses must adapt, that is if they want to stay at the top of their game and maintain their ranking position. Sometimes doing this is easier said than done.


Top SEO trends you need to know for 2017

Let’s face it; we all want to have a website that ranks high in Google Search Results. Understanding how search engine (especially Google) change their algorithms is essential if you want to maintain your search engine rankings. "Content will always remain the king" if you produce awesome written information, images, video content then you can expect a better flow of web traffic to your website.


What are the top SEO internet marketers working on?

To find out what the top SEO marketers spend most of their time on, check out the infographic below, from the SEJ. Almost 72% of the people asked said they spend most of their time on creating engaging content, which isn't surprising but are we reaching out to all of our potential customers? Providing relevant backlinks and mobile accessibility seems to be the biggest challenges in building SEO success.


Top 2017 SEO trends for business search engine ranking

The search engines ranking algorithm keeps changing with time. In order, to keep up with the changes new techniques of SEO need to be developed. For example, 2016 saw more mobile searches than desktop ones.


Top SEO Predictions for 2017 which every business should know!

SEO can be an important marketing tool for your business website. Getting your website up higher in the search engine results can be the difference in making or breaking your business. SEO is a constantly changing landscape with new ideas on what search engines expect to see from your business website profile.


Best strategies for Google SEO rankings and business promotions

Google search engine is constantly evolving and keeping up with the latest trends is essential if you want to keep your first-page google rankings. Your goal should be to source a web developer with experience in building websites which rank high in search engines. Ranking a website is not a short term goal and requires dedication for a professional web developer and a business owner.


Top tips for mobile ranking on popular search engines

Mobile ranking is crucial for any company since most of the customers can come from mobile phones. This is why you need to study all of that and figure out what you can do in order to boost your mobile rank.


Facebook Ads or SEO: Where should you spend your time & money?

So you’re considering investing in your online marketing strategy, you’ve narrowed it down to Facebook Ads or SEO, but which is best for you and your business? In this infographic, Boostlikes highlight the pros and cons of each.


Search Engine Optimisation - SEO Guide 2015

Search engine optimisation is key if you want your content to be seen, and it’s a far superior way of getting clicks than paying to be on the first page of a Google search. Website structure, page optimisation, and link building all form part of SEO. Although it’s a pretty complex system overall, it can be fairly simple to learn the basics. Otherwise, employ a professional to do it for you.







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