Pankaj Shah

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How to rank high on Google using these simple SEO techniques



SEO seems to be a forever changing landscape, but there are some common tasks we can do to ensure we can achieve the nest search engine visibility.

Speed is king! - making sure your website loads fast is one of the key factors for a good search engine ranking. Have you ever been to a website which simply takes ages to load? I feel your pain!

Think about it this way - why would Google or any other search engine rank a website high if the user experience is poor, the site may have awesome content but if it loads to slow then bounce rates increase. Remember Google's job is to give customers results for search queries and people will continue to use Google if the results returned are good, make sense right?

Now the speed of a website loading can be affected by code, badly compressed images, totally rubbish hosting to mention just a few issues.

Ensure your website is fully optimised and running on a stable fast web server.

Mobile devices are like "mans new best friend! What would you do if you lost your mobile! Well, people are increasingly using mobile devices to search the internet and even run businesses.

Making sure your website displays correctly on mobile devices can be the difference between someone staying on your site or finding the quickest exit sign. Use responsive website design technology like Bootstrap to ensure the user experience on mobile devices for your website is simply awesome.

HTTP, HTTPS, WWW, NON-WWW, yes I know, sounds like a cryptic clue. Basically, a website can run from different URLs. The best way to resolve multiple URL issues is to 301 re-direct all pages to your HTTPS URL prefix.

This can be a little techy so find a web guru to give you a helping hand.

You should avoid having too many adverts and pop-ups on your website pages.

If your website is small then you can use free tools like Screaming Frog to check for broken links and duplicate content.

Take a look at these simple SEO tips shared by Ice Cube Marketing in the infographic below for some more tips.

(Click to enlarge infographic)

How to rank high on Google using these simple SEO techniques

Blog post created by: DCP Website Designers

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