Pankaj Shah

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21 Awesome SEO Tips for Business Growth - Infographic



For most businesses, the lockdown has been a total pain in the ***. But we should not stop our efforts to improve website SEO which will give our businesses a boost when the lockdown is lifted!

Take a look at the infographic by Boom for some useful SEO tips.

Here are the top tips from their infographic:

  • Develop a strong website structure
  • Make sure your website mobile-friendly
  • Website speed is essential
  • Use HTTPS SSL certificate
  • Setup 301 for non-www to www
  • Add an up to date site map
  • Simply create awesome content

For some more useful tips check out the infographic below

21 Awesome SEO Tips for Business Growth - Infographic

Article By Pankaj Shah | June 11th, 2020 | London Web designer

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