Pankaj Shah

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25 sites to help increase your domain trust



One of our primary goals for moving up the search engine rankings is to improve our website domain's trust. We should focus on quality backlinks rather than thousands of spammy, low-quality links to our website.

25 sites to help increase your domain trust

Domain Trust Measuring 

We need to improve our website's TrustRank. 

Backlinko describes TrustRank as:

"Google TrustRank helps Google and other search engines combat web spam. Specifically, TrustRank measures so-called “trust signals”. These trust signals help them evaluate whether or not core ranking signals (like links and content) are legitimate."

There are many different ways to improve your website's TrustRank. In this article, we will focus on creating backlinks from high authority websites.

Websites that help to improve trust

You probably have already set up common social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter etc. But there are many more website platforms you can register to give your website a TrustRank boost.

Our goal is to register our businesses on high authority website which have a high DA (Domain Authority) score.

To give you a helping hand I have listed my favourite websites that you can register your business on today to improve your website domain trust. Best of all they are all free!

1. (DA 100)

Create a YouTube account give you the ability to add a backlink to not only your website but also your social media profiles.

But don't just set up a YouTube account, make it your goal to upload videos as often as possible and share your knowledge. We took this approach at DCP Web Designers and have over 40,000 subscribers at present.

DCP Web Designers YouTube Channel

2. (DA 100)

Registering your business on Google My Business is simply a must.

When you set up an account you can add your website URL to your profile, add a list of your services, generate a map showing your business location, post information about your services or products and most importantly get reviews from your customers.

DCP Web Designers Google My Business

3. (DA 100)

Setting up a profile on Twitter is super simple. Twitter also allows you to place a link back to your website.

Think of this as a trusted website where you are getting a backlink to your website.

DCP Web Designers Twitter Profile

4. (DA 100)

When you need to connect with other business owners then LinkedIn is the place to go. You can set up a personal profile and also a business profile containing a link back to your website.

Remember to actually use these platforms to engage with other users and generate potential customer leads.

DCP Web Designers LinkedIn Profile

5. (DA 100)

Pinterest is a great place to showcase your business using visual assets. When you create a profile you can add a backlink to your website to help improve your domain trust.

Pinterest is great for sharing infographics.

DCP Web Designers Pinterest Profile

You can also install the Pinterest Google Chrome plugin to quickly post content directly from your website.

6. (DA 99)

Reddit is often classed as a bookmarking website, but it is much more than that. You can of course create a profile with an authority backlink to your website.

But most important is to join the sub-reddits and engage with other like-minded users.

DCP Web Designers Reddit Profile

7. (DA 98)

I like to think of Tumblr as an extension to my blog. I often use Tumblr to share content snippets from my blog and YouTube channel to drive traffic to my business website and social media platforms.

When creating your profile you can add a link to your website and other social media platforms. Best of all Tumblr is free to use so what are you waiting for?

DCP Web Designers Tumblr Profile

8. (DA 98)

Vimeo is sometimes a forgotten platform for video sharing due to the dominance of YouTube. Vimeo is a paid-for service but also has better privacy options and less inline marketing.

You can set up a free 30-day trial which would allow you to set up your profile and create the all-important backlink. 

DCP Web Designers Vimeo Profile

9. (DA 97)

Instagram is a video and photo-sharing platform that is directly integrated into Facebook. Using the Facebook Studio you can post directly to Instagram from your laptop or desktop computer which saves a lot of time.

Instagram limits you to only a single URL backlink in your profile so you need to be creative with your posts to get people clicking on that link. In any case, a backlink from Instagram is a powerful trust flow signal.

DCP Web Designers Instagram Profile

Free Instagram Tutorials

How to post to Instagram from PC

How to post to Instagram from PC

How to schedule posts on Instagram

How to schedule posts on Instagram

How to Post to Instagram TV from PC

How to Post to Instagram TV from PC

10. (DA 95)

This is a popular platform for sharing your PowerPoint or PDF files. The website is directly connected to LinkedIn so when you set up a profile I suggest you use your LinkedIn login. You can easily add a backlink to your website, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profile. I often convert some of my blog posts into PDF files and share them. Note that your PDF / PowerPoint files can also contain backlinks but they are only active after page 4 in your documents which you upload to Slideshare.

DCP Web Designers Slide Share Profile

11. (DA 94)

Yelp is a popular business listings directory that is essential to register on if you are a small local business. You can get your business register for free and the profile creations tools allow you to add images to showcase your products or services, list your business opening hours, collect customer review much like Google My Business, list your contact number and get that important link to your website.

 DCP Web Designers Yelp Profile

12. (DA 93)

PixaBay is another popular image sharing website, but PixaBay also allows you to share video content. All content uploaded to PixaBay is free to use, so you can think of this as karma points for helping others.

When you create your profile you can add links to your main social media profiles and your business website. I often upload the completed video content for my blender 3D tutorials.

DCP Web Designers PixaBay Profile

13. (DA 93)

Are you a talented music artist or simply want to share a podcast? SoundCloud is well known and popular audio sharing website that can be used for personal or business.

You can also share your social media profiles and add a backlink to your website to improve your website authority.

Don't forget to repost your favourite music on SoundCloud so you can have some nice chillout music while you work :)

DCP Web Designers SoundCloud Profile

14. (DA 92)

Diigo allows you to save and tag your online resources for easy access anytime, this is a great tool as you can clear up your browser bookmarking and collect resources to a single structure location.

You can create a personal profile and a company page where you can create those all-important backlinks to your social and business website.

DCP Web Designers Diigo Profile

15. (DA 92)

Deviantart is similar to other popular image showcase sharing websites. If you are an artist or web developer then this is a must profile to set up.

I use this website to showcase my client work and also create links to my most popular social media profiles and business website.

DCP Web Designers Deviant Art Profile

16. (DA 92)

Unsplash is one of the most popular image sharing websites. You can upload your photos and allow people to download them and use them for FREE!

Don't forget you can also download images and use them on your social media posts and web design projects.

When you create your profile you can add a backlink to your portfolio or another page on your website.

I use Unsplash to upload photos from my adventures around the world :)

DCP Web Designers Unsplash Profile

17. (DA 92)

Creating a profile on Behance is great if you are a web designer or graphic artist. You can showcase your client projects to the world using a range of layout formats. Behance is run by Adobe so you know you are in good hands. Creating a profile allows you to add multiple backlinks to all your popular social media profile and to your business website.  

DCP Web Designers Behance Profile

18. (DA 90)

Use this website to set up a personal or business profile.

Think of this website as a mini summary of your business.

You can add a prominent URL link to your website at the top of your profile.

You can also enable a contact form for lead generation and list many social media profile links in the footer of your profile page.

DCP Web Designers About Me Profile

19. (DA 86) offers a free account setup where you can create a text-based profile. Iside that profile you can add a link back to your website. is a great tool for gathering relevant articles into a single location.

You can post third party content and also bookmark your own blog posts.

DCP Web Designers Scoop It Profile

20. (DA 86)

Crunchbase is a popular website for showcasing your business and personal profile.

You can create a detailed listing about your business for free and also list your social media profiles and a link to your website.

Don't forget to add your Crunchbase URL to your Schema Markup to improve your search engine rankings.

You can also integrate your Twitter feed into your personal profile with a few simple mouse clicks. 

DCP Web Designers Crunch Base Profile

21. (DA 85)

Instapaper is a simple but awesome website to share your blog post content, you cannot add a direct link to your website in the profile but you should still set up a profile and share your blog posts which can help to improve your website domain trust.

DCP Web Designers InstaPaper Profile

22. (DA 84)

500px is another awesome photo-sharing website. You can create a personal profile and upload images which is great if you enjoy photography like me.

You have the option to link to your main social media profile and your website portfolio or subpage.

DCP Web Designers 500px Profile

23. (DA 79)

Wattpad is the number 1 place to visit for joining a community for content writers and readers.

You can create a profile with a link to your website and engage with other readers on the platform.

You also have the option to publish your own content which can help raise the profile of your business.

DCP Web Designers Wattpad Profile

24. (DA 74)

Yell is a popular UK based business directory.

Do you remember getting those thick Yellow Pages books delivered to your door every year? Well, "time has moved on" and now Yell is an online directory where you can register your business and create a full business profile.

Don't forget to fill out your business overview information, opening hours, company address, product & services. add some examples of your work and add a link back to your website.

DCP Web Designers Yell Profile

25. (DA 72)

Authorstream is similar to the SlideShare website.

You can upload your presentations in PowerPoint or PDF format.

This is a great way to gain exposure for your business but don't forget to share impartial and engaging content to generate interest.

Keep your profile updated with a link to your website, a summary of your business and a profile picture.

DCP Web Designers Author Stream Profile

Best strategies for pointing links to your website

As you can see from the list above there are many websites where you can create a profile and point a powerful link back to your website. I would suggest that you point links back to different pages on your website, for example on YouTube you could point the backlink to your home page, on Unsplash you could point the link back to your website portfolio and on Tumblr, you can point the link back to your blog.

The goal is to diversify the backlink profile to your website so all pages can gain some linking power. Of course, internal linking is also important and remember to build a good internal linking strategy to pass link power between your internal website pages.

Keeping your external profiles up to date

There is no point in creating the above profiles if you never plan you use them. For example, on my YouTube channel, I have uploaded over 650 video tutorials on a diverse range of subjects. Build content on your external channel can help to reinforce your backlinks from these sites.

A simple strategy is to re-purpose your blog content across these websites. For example, you can take snippets from a blog post and share them on LinkedIn and Twitter, for Instagram you can take the subtitles from blog posts and create information cards, for video and audio sites you need to put in some effort to get suitable content uploaded to these types of sites. Ultimately you have a vast amount of knowledge can you should aim to share as much as possible via your own blog and external profiles noted above.

Take a look at my blog post "The 12 most important SEO tips you need to know" for some more useful tips.

Pointing links to your external content

It's great having all these external sites with backlinks to your website pages, but it would be even better if you started to post useful content on these sites and then add links to your blog posts. This is a good strategy to help give your profiles a backlink boost. I often create blog posts from the YouTube videos I create and then backlink to the videos in the blog posts, I find this helps to rank the blog posts and the video higher in the search engine results.

It is also worth generating external links to authoritative websites in your niche. 

Embed external content into your website pages

It's nice to have all these powerful external profiles, but it would be even better if the content on those external sites is awesome too! This gives you an opportunity to embed the content into your blog posts which can help raise the rankings of your external profiles and give you a better linking internal and external linking profile.

I like to take Tweets, Facebook Posts, YouTube videos and incorporate them into my blog posts. Having this types of content in your website pages which a good signal to search engines that you are active on social media platforms. 

Fixing broken pages with a 404 error

I would suggest that you complete an SEO internal page analysis once a week to check if you have any 404 error pages. 404 error are often created when you delete a page from your website. If you have backlinks pointing to the 404 error page when it is worth going back to the website with the link and updating it. You can also create a 301 re-direct to tell the search engine that the page you have removed should be re-directed to another more informative page.  

Article created by: Pankaj Shah | DCP SEO London Company

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