Pankaj Shah

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How Digital PR and SEO Are Two Sides of the Same Coin




A term we are seeing bandied around a lot more in the marketing space is ‘digital PR’. It’s not hard to see why providers are using it more often - let’s be honest, it does have a classiness to it and sounds like a higher-end service. But admittedly there are other reasons it’s being increasingly used in the space beyond just sounding legit. It signals the importance of looking at digital marketing in a more holistic way, something Google’s algorithm updates have been pushing us to do for years.

Ultimately, digital PR represents a strategic shift towards integrating traditional public relations tactics with new-age online marketing techniques. This approach allows for the fact that search engines, social media, and online content play pivotal roles in shaping public perception and brand reputation. This shift towards a more holistic view of digital marketing moves us away from ticking SEO tasks off a list and pushes us to engage with audiences in a more meaningful, dynamic, and interactive way, leveraging the full spectrum of digital tools at our disposal.

How Digital PR and SEO Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

What is Digital PR?

Digital PR is essentially an umbrella term that refers to any type of collaboration that you may make with another business, website or individual that is facilitated through the internet and conducted online. This can cover any number of different channels and applications within the marketing funnel that we all know and love. It may involve reaching out to related businesses to create advertising partnerships, organising publications about your brand with journalists, or promoting engagement via campaigns or influencers on social media.

The purpose of such a collaboration - and the main objective of PR in general - is to spread awareness about your brand. Where previously this was mainly done through the traditional channels such as newspapers, magazines and television, today the more economical and effective forms of PR are generally done in the online space.

While branding and awareness are the primary goals of such activities, the nature of Google’s algorithm is such that if you establish many relationships with other businesses and content creators, chances are high that you will start ranking for key phrases relevant to your niche too. The more information and mentions of your brand that are found on the internet, the more relevant Google believes you to be and thus the more authority it attributes to you.

This makes sense; in some ways, Google is trading in the currency of interest. If there is a lot of information - or interest - about a brand out there in the ether, search engines are going to make sure you are easy to find.

What Trends are Emerging in Digital PR?

Being based online where user trends change rapidly, digital PR sees a great deal of evolution and adapting to how people are engaging with content is a constant focus for firms in this space.

Among the most notable trends is the increasing importance of visual content, with platforms like Instagram and TikTok leading the way in how brands tell their stories and engage with audiences. Video content, in particular, is becoming a cornerstone of effective digital PR strategies, offering dynamic ways to convey messages and capture user attention. Additionally, the rise of podcasting offers new avenues for brands to establish thought leadership and connect with audiences on a more personal level.

Another significant trend is the emphasis on authenticity and human connection. Consumers are seeking genuine interactions and transparency from brands, which means digital PR efforts are focusing more on building trust and fostering community. This includes leveraging user-generated content and real customer stories to enhance credibility. Where in past years, it was important to make content as schmick and clean as it could possibly be, we are seeing a more relaxed and ‘real’ approach to video content have more of an impact on users. 

The integration of AI and machine learning into digital PR tools is also transforming how brands monitor their online presence, analyse sentiment, and personalise outreach. These technologies allow for more targeted strategies and the ability to measure the impact of digital PR campaigns with greater accuracy.

With growing awareness of the environment, sustainability and social responsibility are becoming key components of brand messaging. As consumers become more socially conscious, they expect the same from brands. Digital PR is increasingly used to highlight a brand's commitment to these values, engaging with audiences on issues that matter to them.

SEO and Digital PR

Another important trend is the crossover between SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and digital PR, which is becoming increasingly significant as the digital marketing landscape evolves. As mentioned, this reflects a broader trend towards a more holistic approach to SEO, where traditional technical optimizations are now just one part of a much larger picture.

We are starting to see the lines blur as local PR expertise on the part of marketing agencies is certainly going to help SEO efforts. For example, a good SEO company will not only focus on traditional SEO tasks but also leverage contacts and partners to increase its clients' online presence. By securing media coverage, engaging with influencers, and generating buzz around their clients' brands, they effectively boost search engine visibility.

Shared Goals

Both SEO and digital PR aim to increase a brand's online visibility and authority. SEO focuses on improving rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords, while digital PR seeks to enhance a brand's presence and reputation online through media coverage, influencer partnerships, and content distribution. Together, they work towards the common goal of driving more organic traffic to a website and building trust with the target audience.

Link Building and Brand Mentions

One of the most direct crossovers between SEO and digital PR is in the space link building. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites are a key ranking factor for SEO. Digital PR activities, such as securing media coverage or influencer endorsements, naturally result in valuable backlinks and brand mentions that boost a site's authority and search visibility. This synergy makes digital PR an essential component of modern SEO strategies.

Content Strategy

SEO relies on high-quality, keyword-optimised content to attract search engine traffic, while digital PR allows for the creation of compelling content to engage audiences and generate buzz. As SEO becomes more content-focused, the importance of storytelling, brand messaging, and audience engagement—hallmarks of effective PR—has become more pronounced. A holistic SEO strategy now encompasses content that not only ranks well but also resonates with readers and encourages sharing, further amplifying its reach.

Reputation Management

Positive online mentions and reviews can improve a brand's search rankings, while negative sentiment can harm them. Digital PR strategies aimed at fostering a positive brand image, managing crises, and engaging with the community directly contribute to a brand's SEO by influencing how it is perceived online.

User Experience (UX)

SEO is increasingly concerned with the user experience, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, and intuitive navigation—all factors that affect search rankings. Digital PR contributes to UX by ensuring that the brand's online presence, from its website to its social media profiles, provides a consistent, positive experience for users. This holistic view of UX aligns with the broader goals of SEO to not only attract visitors but also keep them engaged.


As we navigate this merging landscape, the importance of providing genuine value, regardless of the platform, becomes ever more critical. This development in digital marketing is one we're keenly observing, recognising that the SEO community's response will significantly shape its trajectory. The integration of digital PR and SEO is not just about adapting to algorithm updates; it's about embracing a more interconnected and user-focused approach to online presence. As this trend continues to unfold, it will undoubtedly redefine what it means to truly excel in digital marketing, making the journey an exciting one to watch.

Article by Pankaj Shah: DCP Web Design London

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