Pankaj Shah

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Important features to add to your website



Web development and design are arguably one of the most popular jobs coming to the online market thanks to the continuous rise of the internet along with more people seeking employment from home or online.

When creating a website, you’d also want to keep in mind that the view of others always comes first, and you always want to ensure the viewers receive the best information or message possible.

Important features to add to your website

Must have business website features

This is why many web design firms have started becoming more popular, as when more people view a site, that traffic ramps up, revenue may increase, and the likelihood of more customers or clients can also increase.

Luckily, many others have gone through the process and have made suggestions on what features to add to your website, and here you will find five of the most popular suggestions!

1. Great and unique content 

If you want to make your website the most interesting and informative, then you are going to want to ensure that the content you have on the site is unique and of high quality!

The better the content, and the more unique, the more likely a visitor would stay and view more of your site while also the more likely it will be shown in search engine results.

No one wants to go to a website to view information or topics they find interesting and see a lack of enthusiasm or energy when writing about it.

If they see something that is bland or dull, they would easily look elsewhere for someone that can easily make the most boring of things sound exciting!

Making content unique would just ensure that you aren’t copying and pasting information from other sites or books.

Make useful content in your own words and describe how you would explain it to a normal person.

2. Interactive content 

So say you want to include some graphs or displays that are telling the viewer about your company or what you do.

This kind of informational content is great in letting the web visitor know what you do and what you’re about, or even give detailed information on what you’ve achieved as of late and what makes your site so great.

While this is a good start, a better thing to do would be to include some kind of interaction within infographics and web tools.

Something like a click adventure that allows them to explore your infographic via clicking on different parts to expand with more information.

 Always leave them wondering about what comes next, and then you give them the option to click to see what happens next, thus they will want to continue to interact.

Also, it is a good idea to make some useful tools. Try making a calculator for a given subject.

For example, I have created a few tools on my website as follows:

These added interactions allow you to then increase view time and interest in the site, allowing them to think of it as a more fun way to view information and learn about your company, yourself, or your site.

3. Include contact forms 

Another great thing your site should always include is a way to contact you or the site’s admin in the case that there is more information requested or if they want to hire you for a specific job.

For example, on my website, you can find a contact form at the bottom of almost every page.

If you are an artist, maybe someone wants commissions. If you are a financial advisor, perhaps they need assistance with money.

These contact forms should be created and displayed with easy access.

The way you go about making them is fully up to you. Or if you want to contact a web design firm that can assist you in making suitable contact forms.

Must have business website features

4. Get creative with testimonials 

Don’t just get testimonials from prior clients and customers that say something bland like, “A pleasure to work with.” or “Helped me fix X and Y.” or even, “Work is great, art is beautiful.” But try to get more creative responses from these clients that allow you to display a more interesting and interactive review.

Remember, the more unique the review or statement, the more likely someone would look at it and view it with admiration or appreciation and even think of partaking in your service that is offered.

Now to simply request a testimony written creatively is weird and doesn’t get the response you’d want.

You should ask questions about your service and how your client thinks of it so that way you can have a more unique and creative testimony.

5. Easy navigation 

Navigating your website should be simple, easy, and fast.

No one wants to open a website and spend an hour trying to figure out how to get from one page to the other.

Here is where you can make an intuitive and interactive design to make your navigation easier.

Most sites have been making navigation bars on the top, where they have their logo displayed alongside a search bar (depending on the site’s purpose) and buttons that allow you to navigate faster. This is a basic but effective way to navigate, and another way to do this is the side navigation bar that is activated by hitting a button to show more navigation options.

You could try one of these designs, or make your own interesting, unique, and interactive navigation styles that will shine and get more visitors to browse your site faster and more effectively.

Try to create sticky top navigation like on this site so users can always have easy access to your main core website pages. 

6. Making your website memorable 

To make your website unique, and to get more visitors, would be to make your website a memorable visit. 

This is done by including great content that can’t be found elsewhere, and could even include content that allows viewers to interact with information on your website.

Don’t neglect your navigation or getting creative with testimonials, as your reviews can speak for your site and what you’re able to do, and if the visitors can’t navigate your site they won’t give you the time of day. 

Article by Pankaj Shah: DCP Website Designers London

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