
The DCP Percentage Calculator can be used to calculate the percentage value or percentage amount for a specified number. 

Free Percentage calculator tool for instant percentage calculations.


Percentage Calculator

Use the calculator to find a percentage value or percentage amount

Percentage Value Calculator

Logic: What percentage is X of Y

Example: What is 20% of 200 = 40

(Number Only)

Percentage Amount Calculator

Logic: X is what percentage of Y

Example: 40 is what percentage of 200 = 20%


Percentage Calculator

How to use the Percentage Value Calculator

The first calculator displayed above is used for calculating a percentage value.

Example Calculation: What is 20% of 200 = 40

Step 1 - Enter a percentage amount.

  • Example: Enter 20

Step 2 - Enter a number.

  • Example: Enter 200

Step 3 - Now select the Blue "Calculate" button.

You should see the correct calculated result:

  • 20% of 200 = 40

How to use the Percentage Amount Calculator

The second calculator displayed above is used for calculating a percentage amount.

Example Calculation: 40 is what percentage of 200 = 20%

Step 1 - Enter a percentage amount.

  • Example: Enter 40

Step 2 - Enter a number.

  • Example: Enter 200

Step 3 - Now select the Blue "Calculate" button.

You should see the correct calculated result:

  • 40 of 200 = 20%

Percentage Value Formula

You can also manually calculate percentages using the following formula.

Example 1 - We want to calculate 20% of 200

  • Enter the following into your calculator: 200 x 0.2 = 20

Example 2 - We want to calculate 15.5% of 600

  • Enter the following into your calculator: 600 x 0.155 = 93

Example 3 - We want to calculate 22.3% of 645

  • Enter the following into your calculator: 600 x 0.155 = 143.84

Percentage Amount Formula

You can also manually calculate the percentage amount using the following formula.

Example 1 - We want to calculate 40 is what percentage of 200

  • Enter the following into your calculator: (40 / 200)*100 = 20%

Example 2 - We want to calculate 67 is what percentage of 230

  • Enter the following into your calculator: (60 / 230)*100 = 26.09%

Example 3 - We want to calculate 33.5 is what percentage of 1760

  • Enter the following into your calculator: (33.5 / 1760)*100 = 1.90%

Disclaimer: DCP Web Designers are not liable for damage or loss of profits caused by the use of the percentage calculator or tutorials on this page. You are using this website at your own risk.

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