Pankaj Shah

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11 website design features you need to know for 2017 and beyond



Are you looking for the latest web design for 2017?

As a web developer or designer, you need to keep track of the latest trends to ensure your clients are getting the best possible web solutions.

You do not need to implement all the trends on projects but seeing new concepts can help to give you better ideas of how to achieve new and better functionality on website projects.

As you probably know, keeping visitors engaged is extremely important for both SEO and conversion. Have awesome written content combined with multimedia content can give you visitors an incentive to stick around and browse your website content.

Business websites need to load fast and be mobile-friendly. This is not a new trend but as you can see mobile devices are constantly changing and new versions of operating systems and mobile web browsers are released more frequently than desktop varients. At DCP we extensively test all website manually across both mobile and desktop computers. We use Google Page Speed testing tool to help us understand how we can improve load times.

Understand or predicting how a visitor to your website interacts can help you to drive visitors to pages for lead generation. If you are running a business then it would make sense that you try to capture potential leads at every opportunity.

At DCP we like to put a contact or enquiry form on almost every page, this ensures customers do not have to hunt for how to contact us. Also having a clear and prominent call to action on your website pages can help improve your visit to data capture conversion rates.

Websites that have some movement tend to be more engaging with visitors. This can be in the form of video content or HTML5 based animations. You must ensure that your pages still load quickly and delayed loading due to overloaded content can increase bounce rates.

Simple single tone colours schemes are some of the latest design trends. Gradients are "old school" and make a web design look dated. Try to use a handful of colours on your website for the main design concept and then use visual photos to add more colour to your website.

Blue Compass shows you the 11 simple guidelines to follow in the infographic below.


(Click to enlarge infographic)

11 website design features you need to know for 2017 and beyond

Article created by: DCP Web Designers

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