Pankaj Shah

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Super tips for creating a successful business website



The Internet has opened a customer base that was unimaginable before. Everyone wants a slice of this pie and for that, the first step is building your business website.

This website will be your window to online customers. Since the website would be the first thing that any viewer would notice about your business, it needs to be carefully designed.

By following some simple guidelines you can easily achieve designing a successful business website.

WordPress Example Image

Choosing the right coding platform for the website

Websites can be custom coded or use an open-source CMS like WordPress. Though traditionally HTML was the preferred coding tool for website creation, now more and more businesses are using a content management system for designing and developing their website.

CMS has many advantages over flat HTML. They are easy to use, updatable and SEO friendly. They are especially useful for business people with little coding knowledge.

The three main CMS platforms in use today are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal, with WordPress dominating the CMS market.

WordPress is suitable for beginners with small to medium businesses. They are all free and easy to install. 

Selecting the right domain name and TLD

The domain name is the internet address of your website. For example, is a domain name with the .com part called TLD (top-level domain). Though, there are nearly 1000 TLD’s available today, .com should be preferred because of the credibility it offers. The domain name should be short, concise and related to your business. I would also suggest purchasing a domain if you are a UK based business.

Choosing hosting server

Hosting servers are computers on which your website would reside. They should be fast, reliable and secure. Various types of hosting servers are shared, VPS (virtual private server) and dedicated. Dedicated servers are more expensive but tend to be more reliable and offer better scalability.

Installing WordPress

Assuming that you have decided to use WordPress as your coding platform, the next step would be the installation of WordPress on the hosting Server.

There are many hosting providers which support WordPress and other CMS systems. I would strongly recommend you first do some review research and find out what customers say about your chosen web hosting provider before you purchase a solution.

Customising your website

Once the installation is completed successfully, you will need to customize your website as per your requirements. It would include selecting and customising themes, adding logos and creating web pages.

You can upgrade or enhance your website by adding various plug-ins. Plug-ins are software designed to support specific functionality. Some of the important plugins are SEO plug-ins, speed optimisation plug-ins, backup website plugins to mention just a few.

Regular maintenance and backup activities are important for the unhindered running of your website.

Updating the website with new content is important to keep it looking fresh.

WP Team Support created the useful infographic below. Take a look and learn something new today!

(Click to enlarge infographic)

Super tips for creating a successful business website

Article created by: DCP Website Design London

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