Pankaj Shah

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Install FREE WordPress Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate - SiteGround Tutorial



In this video tutorial, I will show you how to Install a FREE WordPress Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate using SiteGround hosting.

Install FREE WordPress Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate - SiteGround Tutorial

WordPress Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate - SiteGround Tutorial

If you are experiencing issues with your SSL certificate then you can simply get a free FREE WordPress Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate by hosting your website with SiteGround.

Using SiteGround you can install a Free SSL Certificate with a few simple mouse clicks.


Free SSL Certificate Tutorial

How to install a free SSL Certificate

WordPress Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate FAQs

How many SSL Certificates can I install on SiteGroud?

SiteGround offers a few different hosting packages, the most basic package only allows you to set up a single website.

The GrowBig and GoGeek packages allow you to install many WordPress websites, for each website you can install a single SSL Certificate.

View the different packages on SiteGround

Is the SSL Certificate Free?

If you chose the Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate then you will get the SSL for Free!

Do I need to renew the SSL Certificate?

The SSL Certificates are valid for 3 months.

The SSL certificates will automatically renew before the expiry date.

What do I do if the SSL is not working?

Make sure you do not have any mixed content issues, you can fix this by installing the SiteGround Optimiser Plugin.

If you are still having issues, contact SiteGround support, they are awesome and will help you!

Article by Pankaj Shah: DCP Web Design London

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