Pankaj Shah

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How to protect your business website from hackers



The last thing you need on a busy Friday is someone hacking your website or email :(

Creating secure passwords should be your top priority. Using passwords which contain your name, pet's name, family member's name is not advisable.

For web developers, when you access Cpanel, WHM or FTP, make sure you change the password afterwards. Also, remember to delete access details in your FTP client once you have completed a task.

for admin control panels you can use a combination of Google Recaptcha and Google Authenticate API.

Google Recaptcha will help present brute-force attacks.

Google Authenticate API will add an additional layer of security to your website control panel.

Use uppercase and lowercase characters, special characters, and numbers to create strong passwords.

Password should be at least 16 characters long.

Do not store passwords on a computer which has direct internet access. Use a password manager tool like

For some more useful tips take a look at the infographic below created by Avatier.

(Click to enlarge infographic)


How to protect your business website from hackers

Blog post created by: DCP Website Design

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