Pankaj Shah

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Beginners Guide to WordPress 2023



What is WordPress

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL that is commonly used for building websites.

It was first released in 2003, and it has since become one of the most popular CMS platforms on the internet.

WordPress is known for its ease of use and flexibility, as it can be used to create a wide variety of websites, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce sites.

It is also open-source, which means that the source code is available for anyone to use and modify.

Beginners Guide to WordPress 2023

What are WordPress plugins used for?

WordPress plugins are pieces of software that can be installed on a WordPress website to add new features or functionality.

They are one of the key features of WordPress that make it such a flexible and powerful platform.

With plugins, you can add almost any type of functionality to your WordPress website, from simple things like contact forms and image galleries to more complex functionality like online stores and forums.

Plugins are typically developed by third-party developers and are available for free or for purchase from the WordPress plugin directory or other sources.

Is WordPress good for SEO?

Is WordPress good for SEO?

Yes, WordPress is generally considered to be good for SEO.

This is because WordPress is built using clean, standard-compliant code and produces semantic markup, which makes it easier for search engines to index the content on your website.

In addition, WordPress comes with several built-in SEO features, such as the ability to create custom title tags and meta descriptions for your pages, as well as support for popular SEO plugins that can help you optimise your website even further.

There are several popular WordPress plugins that can help improve the search engine optimisation (SEO) of a WordPress website. These include:

  1. Yoast SEO: This plugin is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress, and it offers a range of features to help improve a website's SEO. It includes a keyword optimisation tool, a page analysis feature, and the ability to create XML sitemaps.
  2. All in One SEO Pack: This plugin is another popular choice for WordPress users, and it offers a range of features including support for custom post types, XML sitemap generation, and integration with Google Analytics.
  3. Rank Math: This plugin is a newer option that has gained popularity in recent years. It offers a range of features including keyword optimisation, automatic internal linking, and support for Google Analytics.
  4. The SEO Framework: This plugin is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, and it offers features including automatic metadata generation and support for custom post types.
  5. SEOPress: This plugin is another popular option that offers a range of features including XML sitemap generation, support for custom post types, and the ability to optimise images for SEO.

It is worth noting that while these plugins can be helpful in improving a website's SEO, it is important to also follow best practices for SEO, such as creating high-quality content, optimising title tags and meta descriptions, and building backlinks.

What is the Yoast plugin?

What is Yoast Plugin?

Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that helps users improve the search engine optimisation (SEO) of their WordPress website.

It was developed by a company called Yoast, which is based in the Netherlands.

The plugin provides users with a range of features that can help them optimise their website for search engines, including the ability to add custom title tags and meta descriptions, generate an XML sitemap, and improve the readability of their content.

It also includes a tool that analyses a page's content and provides feedback on how to improve it from an SEO perspective.

Yoast SEO is available as both a free and a premium version.

What is Elementor?

What is Elementor?

Elementor is a popular WordPress plugin that allows users to create custom, professional-looking websites without having to write any code.

It is a drag-and-drop website builder that includes a range of pre-designed templates and elements that users can easily customise to create their desired look and feel for their website.

Elementor also includes features like responsive design, so that the website will look good on any device, and the ability to preview changes in real-time

It is available as both a free and a premium version.

Some key features of Elementor include:

  1. Drag-and-drop interface: Elementor allows users to easily create and customise their websites by simply dragging and dropping elements into place.
  2. Pre-designed templates: Elementor includes a range of pre-designed templates that users can customise to create professional-looking websites quickly and easily.
  3. Responsive design: Elementor automatically adjusts the layout of a website to look good on any device, including desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.
  4. Customisable widgets: Elementor includes a range of customisable widgets, such as buttons, forms, and sliders, that users can easily add to their websites.
  5. Integration with other WordPress plugins: Elementor integrates with a range of popular WordPress plugins, such as Gravity Forms and WPForms, allowing users to add additional functionality to their websites.
  6. SEO-friendly: Elementor includes built-in SEO features, such as the ability to customise title tags and meta descriptions, to help improve the search engine visibility of a website.
  7. E-commerce functionality: Elementor includes features that make it easy to add e-commerce functionality to a website, including the ability to create product pages and add checkout forms.
  8. Custom Code: Elementor allows you to easily insert custom code into a WordPress website, for example, you can insert a Google Analytics code.

View more information about Elementor.

What is WordPress Divi Builder?

What is WordPress Divi Builder?

Divi Builder is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create custom, professional-looking websites using a drag-and-drop interface.

It was developed by Elegant Themes, a company that specialises in WordPress themes and plugins.

Divi Builder includes a range of pre-designed templates and elements that users can easily customise to create the look and feel they want for their website.

It also includes features like responsive design, so that the website will look good on any device, and the ability to preview changes in real-time.

Divi Builder is available as part of the Elegant Themes subscription, which also includes access to their other themes and plugins.

Some key features of Divi Builder include:

  1. Drag-and-drop interface: Divi Builder allows you to create and customise your WordPress website by dragging and dropping elements into place on a page or blog post.
  2. Pre-designed templates: Divi Builder includes a range of pre-designed templates that help to speed up the development of your website.
  3. Responsive design: Divi Builder automatically adjusts the layout of your website for mobile, desktop, tablet and desktop computers.
  4. Customisable widgets: Divi Builder includes a range of customisable widgets, each widget has a specific interface allowing you to change the attributes.
  5. Integration with other WordPress plugins: Divi Builder integrates with a range of popular WordPress plugins, such as Yoast SEO, WPML, Ninja Forms, allowing you to add additional functionality to your website.
  6. E-commerce functionality: Divi Builder includes features that make it easy to add e-commerce functionality to your WordPress website.
  7. Split testing: Divi Builder includes a split testing feature that allows users to test different versions of their website to see which performs better.
  8. Custom CSS: Divi Builder allows users to add custom CSS to their websites to further customise their design.

View more information about Divi Builder.

What is WordPress hosting?

What is WordPress hosting?

WordPress hosting refers to hosting services that are optimised for WordPress, the popular content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.

These hosting services typically include features that are specifically designed to make it easier to run and manage a WordPress website, such as the ability to automatically install WordPress and the necessary plugins, as well as tools for managing and backing up the website.

WordPress hosting can be provided by a wide range of hosting companies, and it is available in both shared and dedicated hosting options.

There are many hosting companies that offer hosting services for WordPress websites. Some popular options include:

  1. Bluehost: Bluehost is a well-known hosting company that offers a range of hosting plans specifically designed for WordPress websites.

  2. SiteGround: SiteGround is another popular hosting company that offers a range of hosting plans for WordPress websites, including shared hosting, cloud hosting, and managed WordPress hosting.

  3. GoDaddy: Godaddy is a hosting company that offers a range of hosting plans for WordPress websites, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server hosting.

  4. Hostinger: InMotion Hosting is a hosting company that offers a range of hosting plans for WordPress websites, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server hosting.

  5. GreenGeeks: GreenGeeks is a hosting company that focuses on environmentally-friendly hosting and offers a range of hosting plans for WordPress websites, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server hosting.

It is important to choose a hosting company that offers the features and resources that are appropriate for the size and needs of your WordPress website. It is also important to consider factors such as the company's uptime, customer support, and pricing when selecting a hosting company.

Can I build a custom website using WordPress?

Can I build a custom website using WordPress?

Yes, you can build a custom website using WordPress.

WordPress is a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS) that can be used to create a wide variety of websites, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce sites.

You can customise the look and feel of your website by choosing from a wide range of free and premium WordPress themes, and you can add additional functionality by using WordPress plugins.

Additionally, many hosting companies offer tools and services specifically designed to make it easier to build and manage a WordPress website.

Most web designers will use a WordPress Page Builder to custom design a business website.

Page builders are WordPress plugins that allow users to create custom, professional-looking websites using a drag-and-drop interface. Some popular page builders for WordPress include:

  1. Elementor: Elementor is a popular page builder that offers a range of features including pre-designed templates, a drag-and-drop interface, and the ability to customise widgets.

  2. Divi Builder: Divi Builder is another popular page builder that offers a range of features including pre-designed templates, a drag-and-drop interface, and the ability to customise widgets. It also includes a split testing feature and the ability to add custom CSS.

  3. Beaver Builder: Beaver Builder is a page builder that offers a range of features including pre-designed templates, a drag-and-drop interface, and the ability to customise widgets. It also includes the ability to create custom layouts and add custom CSS.

  4. WPBakery Page Builder: WPBakery Page Builder is a page builder that offers a range of features including pre-designed templates, a drag-and-drop interface, and the ability to customise widgets. It also includes the ability to create custom layouts and add custom CSS.

  5. Visual Composer: Visual Composer is a page builder that offers a range of features including pre-designed templates, a drag-and-drop interface, and the ability to customise widgets. It also includes the ability to create custom layouts and add custom CSS.

There are many other page builders available for WordPress, and the best one for a particular website will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the user.

Do I need to understand programming to use WordPress?

Do I need to understand programming to use WordPress?

No, you do not need to understand programming to use WordPress.

WordPress is a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage a website without having to write any code.

The platform includes a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to create and publish content, customise the appearance of your website, and add additional features and functionality using plugins.

While some knowledge of HTML and CSS can be helpful for more advanced customisation, it is not necessary for using WordPress.

Is WordPress free?

Is WordPress Free?

Yes, WordPress is free and open-source software. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows anyone to use, modify, and distribute the software for free

This means that you can download and install WordPress on your own web server at no cost.

However, while the WordPress software itself is free, you will still need to pay for things like a domain name and web hosting in order to have a functional website.

What are the popular plugins for WordPress?

What are the popular plugins for WordPress?

There are many popular plugins for WordPress, as the platform has a large and active community of third-party developers who create plugins to add new features and functionality to WordPress websites. Some of the most popular WordPress plugins include:

  1. Yoast SEO: a plugin that helps users improve the search engine optimisation (SEO) of their WordPress website
  2. Jetpack: a plugin that provides a range of features for security, performance, and design
  3. Gravity Forms: a plugin that allows users to create custom forms for their WordPress website
  4. Contact Form 7: a plugin that enables users to add contact forms to their website
  5. W3 Total Cache: a plugin that helps improve the performance of a WordPress website by caching pages and posts
  6. WPBakery Page Builder: a plugin that allows users to create custom layouts for their WordPress website using a drag-and-drop interface.

How often should I update a WordPress website?

How often should I update a website?

It is generally recommended to update a website regularly in order to keep its content fresh and relevant and to ensure that the website is functioning properly.

How often you should update your website will depend on a number of factors, including the type of website you have, the amount of content you have, and the level of engagement you are aiming for with your audience.

For example, a blog or news website that is updated daily or multiple times per day would need to be updated more frequently than a business website that only has a few pages of static content.

It is also important to update your website whenever a new version of the content management system (CMS) or any plugins or themes you are using are released, as these updates often include important security and performance improvements.

Do I need a domain to build a WordPress website?

Do I need a domain to Build a WordPress website?

Yes, you will need a domain in order to run a WordPress website.

A domain is the web address that people use to access your website, such as When you create a WordPress website, you will need to register a domain and point it to your web hosting account in order to make your website accessible to the public.

You can register a domain through a domain registrar, which is a company that manages the registration of domain names.

Most web hosting companies also offer domain registration services, so you can often register your domain and set up your web hosting account at the same time.

How long does it take to build a WordPress website?

How Long Does It Take to Build a WordPress Website?

The amount of time it takes to build a WordPress website can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the website, the amount of content that needs to be added, and the level of customisation that is required

A simple website with just a few pages of content and a basic theme can be set up in a matter of hours, while a more complex website with multiple pages, custom functionality, and a unique design may take several days or even weeks to build.

In general, it is best to plan for a sufficient amount of time to build and test your WordPress website in order to ensure that it is set up properly and functions as desired.

What is a WordPress custom post type?

What is a WordPress custom post type?

In WordPress, a custom post type is a type of content that is distinct from the default types of content (e.g. posts and pages) that are included with the WordPress software.

Custom post types allow users to create and manage additional types of content on their WordPress websites, such as products, events, or portfolio items.

This can be useful if you want to organise and display your content in a specific way, or if you want to add custom fields or taxonomies (categories and tags) to your content.

Custom post types can be created using the WordPress plugin API or with the help of a plugin that provides custom post type functionality.

Some popular WordPress plugins that allow users to create custom post types include:

  1. Custom Post Type UI: Custom Post Type UI is a plugin that allows users to create custom post types and custom taxonomies for their WordPress websites. It includes an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing custom post types and taxonomies.

  2. Advanced Custom Fields: Advanced Custom Fields is a plugin that allows users to create custom fields for their WordPress websites. It includes a range of field types, including text fields, checkboxes, and image fields, and allows users to easily add custom fields to their posts and pages.

  3. Custom Post Type Maker: Custom Post Type Maker is a plugin that allows users to create custom post types and custom taxonomies for their WordPress websites. It includes an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing custom post types and taxonomies.

  4. Custom Post Type Widgets: Custom Post Type Widgets is a plugin that allows users to display custom post types in their WordPress widgets. It includes a range of widget types, including lists, sliders, and grids, and allows users to easily display custom post types in their widgets.

How often should I update WordPress plugins?

How often should I update WordPress plugins?

It is generally recommended to update WordPress plugins as soon as new versions are available.

This is because plugin updates often include important bug fixes and security patches, as well as new features and improvements.

Additionally, keeping your plugins up to date can help ensure that they are compatible with the latest version of WordPress, as well as with any other plugins or themes you are using.

It is a good idea to check for plugin updates regularly and to update any outdated plugins as soon as possible.

Some WordPress plugins also have automatic update options, which can make it easier to keep your plugins up to date without having to manually check for updates.

Can I use WordPress to build an eCommerce shop?

Can I use WordPress to build an eCommerce shop?

Yes, you can use WordPress to build an eCommerce shop

WordPress is a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS) that can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including online stores.

There are several WordPress plugins and themes that are specifically designed to help users create and manage an eCommerce shop, including popular options like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

These plugins provide features such as the ability to manage products, orders, and customers, as well as integration with payment gateways and shipping providers.

You can also find a wide range of WordPress themes that are designed to be used with eCommerce plugins, providing professional-looking designs for your online shop.

What is WooCommerce?

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a popular WordPress plugin that allows users to create and manage an online store on their WordPress website.

It was developed by WooThemes, which was acquired by Automattic (the company behind WordPress) in 2015.

WooCommerce is a free and open-source plugin that includes a range of features for managing products, orders, and customers, as well as integration with popular payment gateways and shipping providers.

It is highly customisable and can be extended with additional features and functionality using extensions, which are available for purchase from the WooCommerce Marketplace.

Some key features of WooCommerce include:

  1. Product management: WooCommerce allows users to easily add, manage, and update products on their websites. It includes features such as the ability to add product descriptions, images, and variations, and to set up product categories and tags.

  2. Payment gateways: WooCommerce integrates with a range of payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe, allowing users to easily accept payments on their website.

  3. Shipping options: WooCommerce allows users to set up shipping options for their products, including the ability to set up flat rates, free shipping, and local pickup.

  4. Inventory management: WooCommerce includes features for managing inventory, including the ability to set up stock levels and backorders.

  5. Tax options: WooCommerce allows users to set up tax options for their products, including the ability to set up tax rates and apply taxes to specific products or categories.

  6. Coupons and discounts: WooCommerce allows users to set up coupons and discounts for their products, including the ability to set up percentage-based discounts and limit the use of coupons.

  7. Reports and analytics: WooCommerce includes a range of reports and analytics tools to help users track the performance of their online store, including sales reports, customer reports, and product reports.

What payment gateways can I use on WooCommerce?

What payment gateways can I use on WooCommerce?

WooCommerce supports a wide range of payment gateways, including both popular options and local payment methods. Some of the payment gateways that are supported by WooCommerce include:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Square
  • Authorize.Net
  • Amazon Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay

In addition to these payment gateways, WooCommerce also supports integration with many local payment methods, such as BACS (bank transfers) in the UK, Giropay in Germany, and iDEAL in the Netherlands. You can view a complete list of the payment gateways that are supported by WooCommerce on the plugin's website.

How do I back up a WordPress website?

How do I back up a WordPress website?

To back up a WordPress website, you can use a WordPress plugin that provides backup functionality.

There are several WordPress backup plugins available, both free and premium, that can help you create backups of your website's files and database.

Some of the most popular WordPress backup plugins include UpdraftPlus, BackWPup, and VaultPress. Once you have installed and activated a backup plugin on your WordPress website, you can use it to create a complete backup of your website, which you can then download and store in a safe location.

It is important to regularly create backups of your WordPress website in case anything goes wrong, such as a server failure or a hack. This way, you can restore your website from the backup if needed.

You can also back up a WordPress website manually using the following steps:

  1. Create a full backup of your website files: To create a full backup of your website files, you will need to use an FTP client such as FileZilla to connect to your website's server and download all of the files in the root directory.

  2. Export the WordPress database: To export the WordPress database, you will need to use a tool such as phpMyAdmin to access your database and generate a backup file.

  3. Save the backups: Once you have created backups of both your website files and your database, you will need to save them to a secure location, such as an external hard drive or a cloud storage service.

  4. Test the backups: It is important to test your backups to ensure that they are working properly and that you can access all of your website's data. To do this, you can restore your website from the backups on a staging site or a local development environment.

  5. Schedule regular backups: To ensure the safety of your website data, it is important to create regular backups. You can use a WordPress plugin or a hosting service that includes backup functionality to automate this process.

It is worth noting that manually backing up a WordPress website can be time-consuming and requires technical expertise. There are also WordPress plugins and hosting services that can automate the backup process, making it easier to ensure that your website data is protected.

Should I optimise header tags in WordPress for SEO?

Should I optimise header tags in WordPress for SEO?

Yes, it is generally recommended to optimise header tags in WordPress for SEO. Header tags, also known as H tags, are HTML elements that are used to structure and format the content on a web page. In WordPress, header tags are used to create headings and subheadings within the content of a page or post.

Header tags are important for SEO because they help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of the content on a page, and they also provide context for the keywords that are used within the content

By optimising the header tags on your WordPress website, you can improve its visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Some ways to optimise header tags for SEO in WordPress include using keywords in your headings, avoiding duplication, and using a hierarchical structure.

Should I optimise page titles in WordPress for SEO?

Should I optimise page titles in WordPress for SEO?

Yes, it is generally recommended to optimise page titles in WordPress for SEO. The page title, also known as the title tag, is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page

In WordPress, the page title is used as the title of a page or post, and it is displayed in the browser tab or window, as well as in search engine results.

Page titles are important for SEO because they help search engines understand the content of a page and determine its relevance to a user's search query. By optimising the page titles on your WordPress website, you can improve its visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Some ways to optimise page titles for SEO in WordPress include using keywords in your page titles, avoiding duplication, and keeping them concise and descriptive.

Should I optimise meta descriptions in WordPress for SEO?

Should I optimise meta descriptions in WordPress for SEO?

Yes, it is generally recommended to optimise meta descriptions in WordPress for SEO.

The meta description is an HTML element that provides a brief summary of the content of a web page

In WordPress, the meta description is used to describe the content of a page or post, and it is displayed in search engine results below the page title.

Meta descriptions are important for SEO because they give users a preview of what the page is about and can help them decide whether to click on the search result.

By optimising the meta descriptions on your WordPress website, you can improve its visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Some ways to optimise meta descriptions for SEO in WordPress include using keywords in your descriptions, avoiding duplication, and keeping them concise and compelling.

Is WordPress a good choice for a business website?

Is WordPress a good choice for a business website?

Yes, WordPress is a good choice for a business website.

WordPress is a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS) that can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including business websites.

It is user-friendly and easy to use, which means that you don't need to be a technical expert to set up and manage your business website.

WordPress also has a large and active community of developers who create a wide range of plugins and themes that can be used to add additional functionality and a professional design to your website.

Additionally, many hosting companies offer tools and services specifically designed for WordPress, which can make it easier to set up and manage your business website.

Here are some key advantages of using WordPress to build a business website:

  1. User-friendly: WordPress has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for businesses to create and maintain professional-looking websites without needing to have technical expertise.

  2. Customisable: With a wide range of themes and plugins available, businesses can customise their WordPress websites to match their brand and meet their specific needs.

  3. SEO-friendly: WordPress includes a range of built-in SEO features, such as the ability to customise title tags and meta descriptions, that can help improve the search engine visibility of a website.

  4. Responsive design: WordPress websites are designed to look good on any device, including desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones, which is important in today's mobile-driven world.

  5. E-commerce functionality: WordPress includes a range of plugins, such as WooCommerce, that make it easy to add e-commerce functionality to a website, including the ability to sell products and accept payments online.

  6. Secure: WordPress is regularly updated with security patches, which helps to protect websites from potential vulnerabilities.

  7. Community support: WordPress has a large and active community of users, which means that there is a wealth of resources available, including forums, documentation, and tutorials, to help businesses get the most out of their WordPress websites.

What is WordPress caching?

What is WordPress caching?

WordPress caching is the process of storing a copy of the dynamically generated content of a WordPress website in a cache so that it can be served to users more quickly.

Caching is important because it can help improve the performance of a WordPress website by reducing the time it takes to load pages and posts.

This can improve the user experience, as well as the website's search engine ranking

WordPress caching can be performed using caching plugins, which are available for free or for purchase from the WordPress plugin directory or other sources.

Some popular WordPress caching plugins include W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, and WP Fastest Cache.

What is a WordPress CDN?

What is a WordPress CDN?

A WordPress CDN, or content delivery network, is a network of servers that are used to distribute the content of a WordPress website to users around the world

A CDN works by storing a copy of the website's static assets, such as images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files, on a network of servers that are located in strategic locations around the world.

When a user accesses the website, the content is served from the server that is nearest to their location, which can help improve the performance of the website by reducing the time it takes to load the content.

WordPress CDNs can be used to improve the performance and scalability of a WordPress website, as well as to provide additional security and protection against DDoS attacks.

Some popular WordPress CDN providers include Cloudflare, StackPath, and KeyCDN.

What is the best image format for WordPress?

What is the best image format for WordPress?

The best image format for WordPress depends on the specific needs of your website. In general, it is recommended to use the JPEG or PNG format for most images on a WordPress website.

JPEG is a good choice for photographs and other images with complex details and gradients, as it supports millions of colours and offers good compression, which can help reduce the file size without sacrificing image quality.

PNG is a good choice for images with transparent backgrounds, as well as for graphics and logos with sharp, defined edges. It supports lossless compression, which means that the image quality is preserved without any loss, but the file size can be larger than a JPEG. Other image formats, such as GIF and SVG, may be appropriate for specific use cases, but they are not as widely supported as JPEG and PNG.

Should I use WebP image format on my WordPress website?

Should I use WebP image format on my WordPress website?

WebP is a new image format that has been developed by Google. It is designed to provide better compression and image quality than other image formats, such as JPEG and PNG while maintaining a smaller file size.

Some of the benefits of using WebP on a WordPress website include faster loading times, improved performance, and reduced bandwidth usage.

However, WebP is not yet as widely supported as other image formats, so it may not be the best choice for all websites.

If you want to use WebP on your WordPress website, you will need to ensure that your web server and the browsers of your users support the format.

You can use a WordPress plugin like WebP Express or ShortPixel to automatically convert your images to WebP and serve them to users who support the format.

What are the alternatives to WordPress?

What are the alternatives to WordPress?

There are several alternatives to WordPress that are also popular content management systems (CMS) for building websites. Some of the most common alternatives to WordPress include:

  1. Joomla: an open-source CMS that is known for its flexibility and range of features
  2. Drupal: an open-source CMS that is popular for its ability to create complex websites with custom functionality
  3. Magento: a CMS specifically designed for building e-commerce websites
  4. Shopify: a cloud-based CMS that is focused on providing an easy way to create and manage an online store
  5. Squarespace: a CMS that is known for its user-friendly interface and its focus on design

Each of these CMS platforms has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for your website will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

Should I hire a web designer to build a WordPress Website?

Should I hire a web designer to build a WordPress Website?

Whether you should hire a web designer to build a WordPress website depends on your level of technical expertise and the complexity of the website you want to create.

If you are not familiar with WordPress or web design, hiring a web designer can be a good idea, as they can help you create a professional-looking website that is optimised for your business needs.

A web designer can also handle tasks like setting up your hosting and domain, installing WordPress and the necessary plugins, and customising your website's design and functionality.

However, if you are familiar with WordPress and have a clear idea of what you want your website to look like, you may be able to build your own website using a WordPress theme and some guidance from online tutorials.


WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that is used by businesses of all sizes to create and manage websites.

It is an open-source platform,  which means that it is freely available to anyone who wants to use it.

WordPress is known for its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for businesses to create and maintain professional-looking websites without needing to have technical expertise.

One of the key benefits of using WordPress for business is its flexibility. With a wide range of themes and plugins available, businesses can customise their websites to match their brand and meet their specific needs.

WordPress also offers a range of features that are useful for businesses, such as the ability to easily manage and update content, create forms, add e-commerce functionality, and more.

In addition, WordPress is easy to use, with a simple drag-and-drop editor that allows businesses to create and update their websites without needing to know how to code.

This makes it an attractive option for businesses that don't have in-house web development expertise.

Overall, WordPress is a powerful and versatile platform that can help businesses create websites that are easy to manage and update.

If you are new to web development then it might be worth contacting WordPress Web Designers to assist you with the development of your business website.

Article by Pankaj Shah: DCP Web Designers

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How to create email account using Cpanel


How to create email account using Cpanel

In this video tutorial, I will show to create email accounts using Cpanel. If you are using a company for Linux website hosting, then there is a good chance that you will be using Cpanel for managing your website. Setting up email accounts is super easy using Cpanel. You can allocate a specific amount of disk space for each email account, set up email forwarding, connect emails to any mail client, set up email forwarding and much more.

How to Create Awesome Website Content to Generate Lots of Traffic - Infographic


How to Create Awesome Website Content to Generate Lots of Traffic - Infographic

Do you want to improve your business website? Need some tips for creating awesome content that attracts more qualified website visitors?

How to add products to WooCommerce shop page - Step by Step Guide


How to add products to WooCommerce shop page - Step by Step Guide

In this tutorial, I will show you how to add products to WooCommerce shop page. In WooCommerce there are options to add both simple products and product variations. Before you can add products to your e-commerce website, you need to go through the basic WooCommerce setup wizard. Adding products to your WooCommerce website is super simple once you know how to complete this task. A good option is to also install Yoast Duplicate plugin so you can copy an existing product are re-use the base for a new product. This will help speed up the data entry on your website.






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