Pankaj Shah

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UI/UX Design: Efficiency Is Efficacy



As more companies invest in online marketing, it is no longer just about the services or products they offer and the security of your website. The cutthroat competition necessitates going beyond simply advertising your brand and having an efficient checkout process to ease the buying process. When aiming for the highest number of clients, experts cannot overstate the essence of creating an effective and efficient product or service.

UI/UX Design: Efficiency Is Efficacy

People will focus on the looks, beauty and aesthetics of their products or services such that the concepts centred on functionality and handling of tasks are often subconsciously omitted. Efficiency and efficacy are often used interchangeably though they mean different things. Efficiency refers to attaining maximum output with the least effort, while efficacy is the extent to which an element succeeds at providing the desired result.

Your product designer should aim for an efficient product with the best experience for users to succeed in business. A product’s design should offer the best user experience (UX). UX encompasses people’s responses and perceptions resulting from the use of your product or service. On the other hand, the usability of your product or service focuses on how easily people can use it to accomplish specific tasks. It is mainly concerned with the user interface (UI).

In summary, UI focuses on the ease of your product or service accomplishing a goal, while UX centres on the experiences of your target market when investing in your brand. The article below will delve into what to consider in UI and UX to maximise your profits in business.

Characteristics of Usability (UI)

Below are the five characteristics that measure a product’s usability:


This measures whether or not clients will achieve their goals accurately when using your service or product. It centres on the support that clients will get when using your product or service. To have the highest levels of effectiveness, your brand should be as meaningful as possible to clients and use simple language to get information to a user.


This is mainly about how fast your product or service can solve a client’s problems. If your product takes too long to solve an issue, this might cause clients to abandon it.


This considers if your client finds a service or product gratifying and pleasant to use. Aesthetics is the buzzword here, so you should invest in graphic design elements that engage a client. Engagement is not just about looking good but also about looking right. Looking right focuses on readable typography and proper information layouts for your products.

Error tolerance

It is almost impossible to altogether avoid errors in your products with the complexities involved in designing them. Error tolerance focuses on minimising mistakes and ensuring users easily recover from errors so that they can go back to using your service or product.

Ease of learning

When you want clients to use your products regularly, they should learn how to easily use them so that they will invest in them again. When supporting ease of learning, the best option is to design systems to match people’s mental models. The mental model is a depiction of an actual object and how it works from your user’s perspective.

How to Measure User Experience (UX)

When designing products, you want them to be satisfying for clients. To ensure clients have the best UX, you measure evidence instead of opinions. Here are metrics that can give you insight into UX. Using and exploring the data you gather is imperative, many organisations believe because they understand how to navigate their website, their customers will too when that is usually far from the case.

Task success rate

This gives the percentage of users that will successfully complete a task using your product or service. When your tasks’ goals are clearly defined, you can easily measure task success rates. Remember that task success rates do not explain why users are failing to perform tasks or how well they are performing them.

Task completion time

This considers how quickly your product or service can complete a task. The highest levels of UX are possible when users spend less time on tasks.

Retention rate

This is the percentage of clients that will keep using your product over time. If you have a low retention rate, this means clients are quickly abandoning your brand.

Conversion rate

This measures how many clients will take the desired action linked to your product goals. If people have a good UX, this often means increased conversion rates.

Combining UI and UX

Efficacy and efficiency share a relationship that might not always be obvious when designing your product. If you have an effective but inefficient product, you cannot get the profits you envision because the clients do not have the best experience with it. If your target clients cannot achieve their goals because of your product’s poor UI, they will seek alternatives to reach their goals. Simply put, if your product has a poor UX, clients will troop to your competitors. On the other hand, if your product’s UI is poor, this means it will not solve the problems it is intended to and cause clients to abandon it.

  • If you want to boost your product’s usability and user experiences, here are some steps you can take:
  • Reduce the steps needed to accomplish a task. Keeping it simple is one of the best approaches to product design.
  • Reduce the efforts a user requires to use your product.
  • Design a product logo, colours and message that communicates what you are offering in the quickest way.
  • Conduct a user experience audit on what aspects of your product need improving and consider their views. You can get your clients’ views easily by asking for Google Reviews. Consider getting the reviews at multiple points of your product design journey rather than only when introducing the product to the market.

11 lesser-known ways to collect reviews from your B2B customers

You now understand how your product’s usability ties with user experience from the aspects covered in the article above. As you design your product, keep both elements in mind to actualise the highest profits. When your product is effective and efficient, you can be sure of a steady stream of clients. Remember that technology and user needs evolve continually. Consider these to ensure your product’s design always meets market needs.

Article by Pankaj Shah: DCP London Web Designers

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