Pankaj Shah

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Top tips for building a social squeeze page



The ultimate aim of any business is to convert window shoppers to actual customers. People visit a website, browse its content and you want them to turn into potential customers.

To engage with website visitors and build a good customer relationship you need to obtain their contact information such as a name, telephone and email address.

Because of the spam floating around the net, people are wary of divulging any personal details. You need ways to make the customers trust you enough to give you this information.

Keeping this purpose in mind, pages are designed and created to attract and gain users confidence so that they give you their key contact information. When such pages are designed for social sharing they are called social squeeze pages.

Top tips for building a social squeeze page

With time the needs of customers change. The likes, dislikes, what would keep the customer on the page and what would turn them off from the website. Keeping this in mind here is a list of essential elements of a good social squeeze page.

Having a result-oriented headline

You need to build your social squeeze page around a theme that is relevant to your audience. It should be popular and in demand.

Your headline should be able to identify the advantage the user is going to gain by getting the information that you will send to their email address.

Add social element

What sets a page apart from a conventional squeeze page is the inclusion of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram social sharing buttons etc.

This gives an element of social proof and social acceptance to the page. People are more likely to accept things that are socially endorsed. Also, encourage the users to leave comments. It adds to the trustworthiness of the page.

Don't spend hours coding social sharing buttons, simply use free social sharing tools like

Create an information gap and use it to call viewers to action

Generate curiosity about the content. Give enough information through a video or text to get people interested. But, also hide enough information to make people want more.

This will entice the reader to sign up for your mailing system.

They will wait for your correspondence so that they can get to know more about what they were reading or watching so make sure you automate email responses efficiently.

Opt-in forms

Add a couple of opt-in forms at relevant places. Find out the places where the user will more likely look on your page, like an image or a video, and strategically place your opt-in form there.

Not all cases do require multiple opt-in forms but you should always have a clear "call to actions" throughout your squeeze page. 

Once you have created an awesome social squeeze page you need to promote it. Use social media sites for the promotion activity.

This will generate niche traffic to your page and the percentage of viewers getting converted to customers becomes higher.

At DCP we have created lots of lead generation (squeeze pages) for client projects. You can view some examples here: Lead Generation Web Design Portfolio

Check out some other great tips in the infographic below designed by Backlinko.

(Click to enlarge infographic)

Top tips for building a social squeeze page

Article created by: DCP London Web Designers

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