Pankaj Shah

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How the IoT Is Changing the Way Students Interact the World



IoT systems are now implemented in various industries and individual homes. And with 5G implementation, this process is only going to accelerate.

Education is no exception to the trend. The learning experience is already changing, and the progress will only boost.

How the IoT Is Changing the Way Students Interact the World

Understanding the IoT

IoT stands for the Internet of Things. This is a technology that connects devices to create one interactive network. One of the most widely-known examples of IoT is a smart home. But such systems are used not only for individual households. They are also incredibly helpful in production, manufacturing, and education.

IoT is powered by wireless networks, various sensors, and cloud computing. Here are some examples of everyday applications of this technology:

  • Smart security;
  • Automatic heating and cooling;
  • Car navigation;
  • Toll collection;
  • Connection of wearable devices.

The majority of students have tried such systems in some way. And it is changing the way people perceive technology around and interact with it. For example, if you are wearing a smartwatch that tracks your health and connects to your smartphone. Another example is if you order something online on your laptop and pay for it with your phone. This makes a lot of processes much easier and more comfortable, from shopping to education.

Students have more access to information, study materials, and professional help. If a student struggles with college assignments, it takes a couple of clicks to reach a research paper writing service online to get instant help. This gives students an opportunity to learn from the best, collaborate with experts, and access top-notch instructions for any topic. Academic writing can be challenging as it requires advanced skills. So an opportunity to get professional assistance can be a lifesaver for many.

Professional academic writers provide writing, proofreading, and essay editing services for all types of college assignments, whether it is essays, research papers, or dissertations. They can polish your work or do it completely for you. And you will get excellent results right in time. With connectivity and a reliable internet connection, it becomes even more convenient and accessible to all students in need.

IoT is the next step in technology revolutionising education. It allows the creation of an interactive and intelligent environment that solves a lot of issues. It is not a secret that technology helps students learn efficiently and comfortably. The implementation of IoT is going to accelerate those processes even further.


IoT in Education

The current generation is often referred to as internet natives. Young adults have grown with internet access and various devices available. This offers a new way of interacting with the world around us. According to eMarketer, about 83% of children between 12 and 17 have a smartphone.

This means that they are very well-versed in technology and how it can shape learning. They can:

  • Automate a lot of processes, from note-taking to scheduling;
  • Research information faster and better;
  • Access various helping resources and learning platforms;
  • Work with applications designed for specific needs or purposes;
  • Develop better digital literacy at a young age.

For students that are now in college, it might be difficult to imagine studying without a laptop and constant internet connection. Because those things are essential to doing homework, attending digital classes, researching, and scheduling.

It is safe to say that the wide implementation of IoT in the educational sector is going to change this perception even more. Here are the most promising ways it is or will be applied in learning.

Better Security

One of the major problems IoT can solve is safety on campuses and school grounds. Such networks of devices can ensure only authorised access to specific locations. It can also adopt protocols for sensors, door locks, color lights, and many other devices.

This ensures automatic response to any potentially dangerous situation. For example, in case of a fire, smog, or earthquake, the system can respond according to protocol. This will make schools and colleges safer and more comfortable for everyone involved in the process.

Personalised Learning

This technology also makes studying easier in terms of individual needs. This is achieved in two ways. The first one is giving educators more time to focus on students and their needs. Intelligent algorithms can take on a lot of repetitive duties and give professionals more time for that.

Such duties include checking attendance, grading tests, adjusting the classroom environment, or running a presentation. Each of these little tasks takes time and resources from professionals. But if they are taken care of by systems, educators have more opportunities to develop new methods, exercises, or interactive activities for learners.

The second way to boost personalised learning is to adopt systems that adjust to individual needs. Those could be sensors that analyse one’s behaviour and patterns to evaluate when they are struggling in class. Or virtual assistants can give different exercises to learners based on their performance and needs.

IoT with AI and Machine Learning can collect valuable data and give insights to professionals about learners and their needs. They also allow the creation of specific software and hardware solutions for particular learning difficulties or health conditions.

Sustainability and Cost Saving

Another great advantage of this technology is that it allows for saving energy. This is a sustainable practice that allows institutions to spend less on electricity and invest more in the educational process.

Smart classrooms can be programmed for automatic heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation. So when there is no one around, the lights go down, and no electricity is lost. It is comfortable for people and reduces energy waste tremendously.

More Interaction and Engagement

A network of devices gives more opportunities to engage students in interactive studying. With specific software and hardware, learners can enjoy

  • Visual presentations and storytelling
  • Quizzes and puzzles
  • Collaborative exercises
  • Various multimedia for study materials
  • Gamification
  • Smart boards
  • VR/AR opportunities, etc

All of that creates new methods for accessing and retaining information. Also, it prepares young adults for the future job market and careers related to advanced technologies.

In Summary

IoT is a disruptive technology that changes the way people interact with devices and each other. It promotes a safer environment, accessibility, sustainability, and personalised learning.

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