Pankaj Shah

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Free online image compression tool | How to compress images for your website



In this video tutorial, I will show you how to use the free compress jpeg website for compressing images.

Free online image compression tool Tutorial

How to compress images for your website video tutorial

Compressing images can help your website search engine rankings. Google and other search engines like websites that load fast, so by simply compressing images on your website pages you can instantly improve the load speed of your website pages.

Watch my free video tutorial for compressing website images.

Video tutorial for compressing website images

Free image compression tool

Online image compression tool

Compressing images for website design FAQs

Is it possible to compress more than one image at a time?

Yes, on the website you can upload up to 25 images at a time for compression.

Note: after the website completes image compression you can download a zip file contain all compressed images.

Why should I compress images?

In the above video tutorial, I downloaded an image that was 100kb in file size. I could have used this image on my website, but I first removed any unwanted content from the image by cropping it in Photoshop. This help to save some size on the image as the less content we display the smaller the file size.

Note: I exported the image at 100% in Photoshop as a jpg file. I did this so that the compression website has the best quality image to run the compression algorithm.

After completing the compression the file size was reduced to 31.9kb. We started with a 100kb file so we have saved more than 60% on the file size.

This may seem small, but if you apply this to all the images on your website, you will see it will help to speed up the website when loading on a visitor's device.

What if I have a WordPress website?

If you are using WordPress then you can use a plugin to apply compression to your images. I would still suggest that you resize and crop images in Photoshop first, as plugins can not do this for you.

You can read more about image compression and other useful website tips in my blog post here: 30 essential tips for improving your web design 

Image compression video tutorial by: DCP Web Designers in London

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