Pankaj Shah

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Definitive Up-to-Date Guide for Social Media Image Sizes (2022)



Last Dated: 21/03/2022

Social media channel platforms are an important marketing tool for both small businesses and large corporations. We can use social media websites to post a range of content which includes videos, news updates, infographics, brand promotions, products, services, blog snippets, portfolio work and much more.

One major problem that most businesses face is that different social media platforms require content to be sized to specific dimensions.

The goal of this article is to become a complete guide and central resource for all the different social media sizes required when posting content to social media platforms.

As quoted on Statista there is expected to be over 4.4 billion social media users by 2025, so making sure social media content is sized correctly will help improve your social media user engagement.

Definitive Up-to-Date Guide for Social Media Image Sizes

Facebook Image Sizes

Facebook has over 54.8 million users in the United Kingdom alone. Globally there are more than 2.8 billion active Facebook users according to backlinko.

So as we can see, making sure your content displays correctly on the world's biggest social media network can be the difference between awesome user engagement or being "skipped like you was never there".

Facebook Profile Picture Size

It is important to get your Facebook brand profile image correct. You want your brand or profile image to show correctly on all devices.

What are the dimensions for a Facebook profile image?

  • The best Facebook profile image size is 720 x 720 pixels.
  • Maximum file size 1 MB.

The image will display as 170 x 170 pixels on a desktop computer screen and 128 x 128 pixels on a mobile phone.

The profile image is displayed in the left corner of a Facebook page for personal profiles and is cropped into a circle, in the example below I have used my personal photo (Can you guess the football stadium?).

Example Facebook Personal Page Profile Image

Example Facebook Personal Page Profile Image

For Facebook business pages the profile image is displayed in the bottom left corner and cropped in a circle as shown below, in the example, I have used my company logo.

Example Facebook Business Page Profile Image

Example Facebook Business Page Profile Image

When creating the profile picture it is advisable to leave 80px whitespace around your company logo or personal photo. The square-shaped image is cropped into a circle after uploading to Facebook, there is also a thin border around the circle shape so having some white spacing will ensure your logo does not sit too close to the edge of the circle. Below you can see the safe zone and white spacing I used on my Facebook profile images.

Example Facebook Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Facebook Profile Picture Safe Zones

Facebook Cover Photo Size

The Facebook cover photo is displayed at the top of your Facebook business page. In general, you should aim to keep your cover photo simple and use a minimal amount of text content.

What are the dimensions for a Facebook cover image?

  • The minimum Facebook profile cover photo size dimensions are 820 x 360 pixels.
  • Maximum file size 2 MB.

Note: Some of the cover image content will be cropped when viewed on mobile devices as shown in the image below. Often I see Facebook pages with cover photos that are designed for the desktop and mobile websites but not designed correctly for the Facebook mobile app. Use the safe zone Facebook cover image below to ensure your cover photo shows correctly on all devices.

Example Facebook Cover Photo Safe Zone

Example Facebook Cover Photo Safe Zones

Example Facebook Cover Photo
Desktop Web Browser

Example Facebook Cover Photo Desktop Web Browser

Example Facebook Cover Photo
Mobile Web Browser

Example Facebook Cover Photo Mobile Web Browser

Example Facebook Cover Photo
Mobile Facebook App

Example Facebook Cover Photo Mobile Facebook App

As you can see from the 3 example images above, Facebook will crop the content differently for each browser type/app. The desktop shows more content on the width, but if you check my safe zone image above you will see that text content should be placed carefully to ensure it shows on all devices. I have done some testing and I can see that Facebook App shows the least amount of content on the Facebook Cover photo.

When you upload the image from your desktop computer, remember to reposition the image using the provided Facebook tool as shown in the video below.

Repositioning Facebook Cover Image

Now that you have the knowledge to create an accurate Facebook cover image, you can use the same design skills to create more images and set up a Facebook cover slideshow. When you upload a single Facebook Cover image there is an option to select a Facebook cover slideshow.

Example Facebook Cover Slide Show

Facebook Post Image Size

Do you want to showcase a product, service or just share a photo on Facebook? Well, the good news is you can, but when sharing images you need to make sure they are the correct size.

If you are sharing general photographs, for example from an event then the size does not matter too much as long as the photo is taken using a normal standard photo size on your camera or mobile device.

If you want to upload an image that contains text content then is better to create an image that is exactly 1200 x 630 pixels in size. These types of images are suitable for content in landscape view.

Click on the image below to view an example.

Maximum file size 5 MB.

Example Facebook Image Post
1200 x 630px

Example Facebook Image Post - 1200 x 630px

You can also upload square-shaped images to Facebook which should be sized to 1200 x 1200 pixels. Uploading a high-resolution image is a good idea as it can be clicked and enlarged on Facebook. Click on the image below to view an example.

Example Facebook Image Post
1200 x 1200px

Example Facebook Image Post - 1200 x 1200px

Facebook also supports multiple images in the same post, I simply upload images that are 1200 x 1200 pixels. I would advise you to name your files in sequence, this will save you time having to re-order on Facebook after uploading. Click on the image below to view an example.

Example Facebook Multiple Image Post
1200 x 1200px

Example Facebook Multiple Image Post

What are the dimensions for Facebook image posts?

  • Rectangle Images - 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Sqaure Images - 1200 x 1200 pixels
  • Multiple Images - 1200 x 1200 pixels

Facebook Video Thumbnail Size

I often upload video content to my Facebook business page. The best option is to upload video content at full HD resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels. Uploading HD video content will ensure the videos will not be blurry when viewed on a desktop or mobile device.

When uploading video content to Facebook there is an option to add a custom thumbnail. The thumbnail should be 1200 x 630 pixels.

Personally I just upload the same thumbnail used on my YouTube videos which are 1280 x 720 pixels.

What are the dimensions for a Facebook video thumbnail?

  • Native Facebook Video thumbnail - 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Reuse YouTube Video thumbnail - 1200 x 720 pixels / 100 pixels whitespace at top and button of thumbnail

It is worth noting that some of the content at 1280 x 720 pixels will be cropped so it is best to leave a white spacing of 100 pixels at the top and bottom of the thumbnail as shown in the image below or just create a dedicated Facebook video thumbnail at 1200 x 630 pixels. I prefer to create the thumbnails 1280 x 720 pixels and add the white spacing, this allows me to use the same thumbnail for YouTube video uploads!

Note: The white spacing shown below can contain image content, but avoid adding text content in the top and bottom of the image.

Example Facebook Video ThumbnailSafe Zone

Example Facebook Video Thumbnail Safe Zones

Facebook Story Image Size

Just like Instagram stories, a Facebook story image should be 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels. This is a verticle HD resolution as most users will hold their phone vertically when they view your Facebook story.

Tip: Each photo or video you share to your story on Facebook is visible for 24 hours, so make sure the content you upload is eye-catching, informative or entertaining.

Example Facebook Business Story Post
1080 x 1920px

Example Facebook Business Story Post - 1080 x 1920px

Twitter Image Sizes

According to business of apps there are currently 186 million daily active users on Twitter!

Twitter can be used for personal or business. Often you will see celebrities using Twitter, but Twitter is also a great tool for marketing your business.

Twitter Profile Picture Size

Just like Facebook and other social network platforms, Twitter also gives you the ability to upload a profile photo. The photo can be your personal photo or your company brand.

Here's is a great tip! - If you create the Facebook Profile image using the size guide above with the whitespace then you can simply reupload to Twitter!

What are the dimensions for the Twitter profile image?

  • The best Twitter profile image size is 400 x 400 pixels, but in general, a square-shaped image should work fine.
  • Maximum file size 1 MB.

I would recommend adding the profile image in JPG format, but Twitter also supports PNG and Gif.

Example Twitter Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Twitter Profile Picture Safe Zones

Twitter Header Image Size

Like Facebook, Twitter also gives you the ability to add a header image. According to Twitter's own website, the minimum dimensions for the header image is 1500 x 500 pixels.

The header image is located at the top of your Twitter page profile. I would recommend uploading an uncompressed JPG file as Twitter will do some compression to static images after uploading.

Note: The profile image overlaps the header image so make sure you do not place content in this area. Below is you can see an example of where content can be added to your Twitter header image.

I would also recommend that you do not add any text content in the area marked whitespace. You can add image content but in most cases, you do not want to add text content too close to the edge of your artwork.

Example Header Image Safe Zone

Example Header Image Safe Zones

Example Twitter Header and Profile Image

Example Twitter Header and Profile Image

Twitter Post Image Size

When you post a tweet on Twitter, you have the option to add an image. It is important that you upload the image at the correct size if the image contains text content. I would recommend adding images that are 1200 x 675 pixels.

Maximum file size 5 MB.

I would also recommend leaving a 20px whitespace around the edge of the image as twitter adds rounded corners to uploaded images.

Example Twitter Post Image Safe Zone

Example Twitter Post Image Safe Zones

Example Twitter Single Image Post

Twitter Multiple Images Post Size

Twitter allows you to share more than one image in a post. The size of the image used will depend on the number of images shared in a tweet.

Below I have listed the sizes for posting tweets with multiple images and examples:

Example Twitter Two Image Post

700 x 800 pixels for each image
Maximum file size 5 MB

Example Twitter Three Image Post

Left image: 700 x 800 pixels
Right images: 1200 x 686 pixels
Maximum file size 5 MB

Note: You need to add the left image first and then add the two right images after. You can drag and drop images from a desktop computer or select images from your mobile phone.

Example Twitter Four Image Post

1200 x 600 pixels for each image
Maximum file size 5 MB

Instagram Image Sizes

Instagram is a popular photo-sharing social network platform. You can use Instagram to showcase your knowledge, skills, services and products in visual formats.

You can share both image content and video-based content on Instagram.

Instagram also has IGTV for sharing longer-form video content.

It is important that images are uploaded at the correct sizes, this will ensure your followers and visitors can see your content correctly on desktop and mobile devices.

Instagram and Facebook are directly connected. You can share content on Instagram and directly post to Facebook using Facebook Creator Studio.

Below are some of the common social media image dimensions for Instagram.

Instagram Profile Picture Size

If you have already created a profile picture for your Facebook business page or Twitter page, then you are in luck! You do not need to create a new profile image, you can simply upload the same image if it is suitable.

For example, I created a Facebook Profile image with size 720 pixels wide x 720 pixels in height. I can simply upload this sample image for my Instagram profile image.

I would still recommend keeping some whitespace around your photo or logo in your Instagram profile image as the profile image is cropped into a circle.

What are the dimensions for an Instagram profile image?

  • 720 pixels wide x 720 pixels
  • Maximum file size 1 MB.

I would recommend adding the profile image in JPG format.

The profile image will appear on your Instagram profile 110 x 110 pixels. Make sure your profile image is an aspect ratio of 1:1 as shown in the image below.

Example Instagram Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Instagram Profile Picture Safe Zones

Instagram Post Image Size

On your Instagram home page, images and video content are displayed on a grid. Posts are displayed as thumbnails and each thumbnail is 161 x 161 pixels.

Images that you upload to Instagram can be a portrait, landscape or square aspect 1:1 ratio.

I would recommend uploading images with a square aspect ratio as all the content will be displayed in the thumbnail version.

Example Instagram Profile Page

Example Instagram Profile Page

Instagram Post Square Image Size

The best size for square image uploads is 1080 x 1080 pixels. You do not need to add any white spacing as the image is auto-scaled for the thumbnail, and square-shaped images are not cropped, so all content is displayed in the thumbnail and the full view image.

It should be noted that Instagram does rescale uploaded images to 612 x 612 pixels and appears in your feed at 510 x 510 pixels.

Example Instagram Square Image Post

Example Instagram Square Image Post

Instagram Post Portrait Image Size

Instagram also supports portrait (Vertical) uploaded images.

Vertical images should be sized at 1080 x 1350 pixels with a 4:5 aspect ratio.

It is important that any text content for verticles images is placed in the centre of the image as shown in the image below.

The white spacing marked below can contain image content but avoid adding text content in these areas.

Example Instagram Portrait Image Safe Zone

Example Instagram Portrait Image Safe Zone

When uploading from the Instagram APP or Instagram website, make sure you select the original option to prevent cropping of your image.

Instagram Select Original Option for Portrait Image

Example Instagram Portrait Image Post

Example Instagram Portrait Image Post

Note: Instagram will still crop the image from the top and bottom for the thumbnail as shown in the image below, so you want to make sure the main content is centred in your image. When a user clicks the image the full portrait (Vertical) image will be displayed as shown in the image above.

Example Instagram Portrait Image Cropped Post

Example Instagram Portrait Image Cropped Post

Instagram Post Landscape Image Size

Instagram also supports landscape (Horizontal) uploaded images.

landscape images should be sized at 1080 x 608 pixels with a 1.91:1 aspect ratio.

If you are adding text content to your landscape image it is important that you place the content in the centre of the artwork as shown in the image below. The white spacing in the image below can contain image content but avoid adding text content in these areas.

Example Instagram Landscape Image Safe Zone

Example Instagram Landscape Image Safe Zone

When uploading from the Instagram APP, make sure you select the original option to prevent cropping of your image. You can watch the video above where I show how to add uncropped portrait Instagram images, apply the same process when uploading landscape images.

Example Instagram Landscape Image Post

Example Instagram Landscape Image Post

Note: Instagram will still crop the image from the left and right for the thumbnail, so you want to make sure the main content is centred in your image. When a user clicks the image the full landscape (Horizontal) image will be displayed.

Instagram Stories Image Size

Instagram stories are designed to fit a verticle mobile phone aspect ratio. The recommended size to display an image in an Instagram story is 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels. Images added as stories display for 5 seconds and videos display for 15 seconds. Instagram stories can be uploaded directly from the Instagram Andriod app, Instagram iPhone app or Facebook creator studio.

Example Instagram Story Post

LinkedIn Image Sizes

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 400 million registered users.

The site is a great place to find new clients, build your brand and grow your business.

You can use LinkedIn to create an online personal profile that will help you get hired or a profile to promote your business.

LinkedIn Personal Profile Picture Size

As mentioned above, LinkedIn allows you to create a personal and business profile.

For the personal profile, the image upload should be 720 x 720 pixels minimum size.

Note: I would recommend keeping some whitespace around your photo for your LinkedIn profile image as the profile image is cropped into a circle.

I would recommend creating a jpg file with a maximum size of 1 MB.

Example LinkedIn Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Profile Picture Safe Zone

LinkedIn Personal Profile Background Image

On your LinkedIn personal profile, you have the option to add a profile background image.

The image size for a LinkedIn background image on a personal profile should be 1584 x 396 pixels.

The image does not need any white spacing, however, you need to avoid adding any text content in the bottom left as your profile image overlaps the background.

The maximum size you can upload is 8 MB.

I would recommend uploading either a jpg or png file.

You can create your own custom profile background or crop and resize existing rectangle photos.

Example LinkedIn Profile Background Image Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Profile Background Image Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Personal Profile Image & Background

Example LinkedIn Personal Profile Image & Background

LinkedIn Business Profile Picture Size

Just like your personal profile, the LinkedIn business profile image size should be 720 pixels wide x 720 pixels in height (minimum size).

In most cases, you should upload your company logo for your business profile image.

It should be noted that the business profile image on LinkedIn does not crop to a circle.

The image is displayed in a square shape. Like the personal profile image example above, I would recommend adding whitespace around your logo. By adding whitespace you will ensure that your logo is not placed too close to the sides, top or bottom.

I would recommend uploading either a jpg file or png with a maximum file size of 4 MB.

LinkedIn Business Profile Background Header Image Size

The LinkedIn business profile background covers the entire top of the page, unlike your personal profile background.

The image cover image size for a LinkedIn background image on a business profile should be 1128 x 191 pixels.

The background image does not need any white spacing, however, you need to avoid adding any text content in the bottom left as your profile image overlaps the background. Try adding some visual content to the background rather than lots of text content.

The space reserved for the profile image: 110 x 100 pixels.

The maximum file size you can upload is 4 MB.

I would recommend uploading either a jpg or png file.

Example LinkedIn Business Background Image Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Business Background Image Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Business Profile Image & Background

Example LinkedIn Business Profile Image & Background

LinkedIn Post Image Size

The size of the images you post to LinkedIn can be different, this depends on where the images are added.

Listed below are some of the ideal image sizes and image resolution when posting to LinkedIn:

Example LinkedIn Square Image Post
1080 x 1080 Pixels

Example LinkedIn Square Image Post 1080 x 1080 Pixels

Example LinkedIn Landscape Image Post
1200 x 627 Pixels

Example LinkedIn Landscape Image Post 1200 x 627 Pixels

Example LinkedIn Portrait Image Post
1080 x 1920 Pixels

Example LinkedIn Portrait Image Post 1080 x 1920 Pixels

LinkedIn Article Cover Image Size

Tip: When you are creating artwork for a LinkedIn article cover image, I would advise you to leave a 100 pixels whitespace around the image as shown in the image above. You can add visual content in the whitespace but avoid adding any text content. Below you can see an example of a LinkedIn article cover image.

Example LinkedIn Article Cover Image Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Article Cover Image Safe Zone

Example LinkedIn Article Cover Image
1280 x 720 Pixels

Example LinkedIn Article Cover Image 1280 x 720 Pixels

Tip: below you can see an example of the above LinkedIn article shared on my timeline. The text information on the image thumbnail is taken directly from the article cover image, adding the 100 pixels whitespace ensures the text content in the image does not sit too close to the edge.

Example LinkedIn Shared Article

Example Shared LinkedIn Article

Example LinkedIn Carousel Post

Tip: I suggest creating images that are 1080 x 1080 pixels in size for LinkedIn carousel posts. You need to convert the images into a PDF file and then share the file as a LinkedIn document Post. In the above example video, you can see a LinkedIn carousel post I created by reusing images I uploaded to Instagram and Facebook. You can also create PDF files using Microsoft Word or LibreOffice and upload them as documents to create carousel posts. To convert images into a PDF file I used Adobe Acrobat.

LinkedIn Other Image Sizes

  • LinkedIn Stories Image Size: 1080 x 1920
  • LinkedIn Event Logo Size: 300 x 300 - minimum size
  • LinkedIn Event ‘Banner’ Size: 1200 x 300 – 4:1
  • LinkedIn Groups Logo Size: 300 x 300
  • LinkedIn Groups Banner Size: 1536 x 768

Pinterest Image Sizes

Pinterest is a great Social Media platform for sharing visual-based content. Pinterest is also a great platform for driving traffic to your website as most content displayed on Pinterest is from external sources. You can install the Pinterest Chrome extension which allows you to easily share visual content from your website pages or blog posts directly to your Pinterest profile.

The Pinterest visual platform allows you to create boards that you can think of as categories, this allows you to organise your content into sections so users can easily find relevant content.

Pinterest Profile Picture Size

Just like your other social media profiles, the Pinterest profile image size should be 720 x 720 pixels.

Although many websites state the image should be 165 x 165 pixels, you can save some time by simply uploading the same image used on other social media profiles as noted above.

I would recommend keeping some whitespace around your photo or logo for your Pinterest profile image as the image is cropped into a circle.

Example Pinterest Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Pinterest Profile Picture Safe Zone

Pinterest Pin Sizes

Listed below are some of the most common Pinterest pin sizes. Following the sizes below your Pinterest profile will look more consistent and will also speed up your design workflow.

Example Pinterest Default Posting Pin Image Safe Zone
Size: 1000 X 1500 Pixels

Pinterest Default Posting Pin Image Size: 1000 X 1500 Pixels - Safe Zone

Tip: It is important that you do not add text content at the top and bottom of your artwork as it will not be displayed in the Pinterest board top-level view. The full image is displayed in the search results and detailed view of a Pinterest board. Below you can see examples of the Pinterest board top-level view and detailed view. As you can see in the two images below, the text shows correctly on both the Pinterest board main view and detailed view.

Example Pinterest Board Top-level View

Example Pinterest Board Top-level View

Example Pinterest Board Detailed View

Example Pinterest Board Detailed View

Example Pinterest board Cover image Size
600 x 600 pixels

Example Pinterest board image Size 600 x 600 pixels

Tip: The most recent pin is used as the board cover image when you create a new board and you start adding pins.

If you edit the board settings you can select a specific pin as the default board cover image. You need to upload a new pin to the board with a 1500 x 1500 pixel resolution, the board cover image is displayed in a square.

In the above example, I have uploaded a board cover image to the Blender 3D tutorials, this image will be the same regardless of how many pins I add to this board. On the right side, you can see Premiere Pro Tutorials Pinterest Board, the cover image will change each time I add a new pin as the image used for the board cover is the most recent uploaded image.

Example Pinterest Square image Size
1000 x 1000 pixels

Example Pinterest Square image Size 1000 x 1000 pixels

Note: In the above examples I have uploaded images that are 1000 x 1000 pixels. This is the ideal size for square images on Pinterest. You should add 100 pixel white spacing around the image to ensure the content does not sit too close to the edge.

Example Pinterest Tall image Size
1000 x 2100 pixels

Example Pinterest Tall image Size 1000 x 2100 pixels

Tip: In the above image I have placed the main logo in the centre of the artwork. this will ensure it displays correctly in the top-level board view. I would also advise that any important text content is also placed in the centre of the artwork for the same reason.

Example Infographic image Size
1000 x 3000 pixels

Example Infographic image Size 1000 x 3000 pixels

Note: In the above image I have used logo designs examples for the infographic, the text content is placed in the centre of the image but can also be placed at the top of the image. The text content area is 1000 x 1000 pixels which is an ideal size at it will display correctly on the top-level board view on Pinterest. The total height of the image is 3000 pixels, it is a good idea to divide the total height by 3, you will then have even 3 sections with a height of 1000 pixels (you can see 3 sections in the above image).

Example Pinterest Carousel Size
1000 x 1000 pixels

Tip: In the above video I have used equal-sized images for the Pinterest carousel (1000 x 1000 pixels). You need to drag multiple images when adding content to Pinterest for the carousel option as shown in the image below.

Note: There is also an option to create a collage when you add multiple images to a new Pinterest pin.

Example Pinterest Carousel Option

Example Pinterest Carousel Option

Pinterest Profile Background Cover Size

It should be noted that you do not need to upload a specific image for the Pinterest background cover image.

The Pinterest cover is dynamic, Pinterest uses the images from your pins to generate the cover photo background.

This is automatically updated when you add new pins!

Example Pinterest Dynamic Profile Cover Header

Example Pinterest Dynamic Profile Cover Header

Note: Pinterest all gives you the ability to upload a custom profile cover. The cover images size is 800 x 540 pixels.

I would advise you to leave a 100-pixel whitespace on the bottom of the custom Pinterest cover artwork, this will ensure your logo does not overlap your text content.

In the example below you can see the logo does not overlap the main text content.

Example Pinterest Custom Profile Cover Header

Example Pinterest Custom Profile Cover Header

YouTube Channel Image Sizes

If you have subscribed to my youtube channel, then you will know it is one of my favourite social media platforms, I simply love to share my knowledge and YouTube is perfect for that!

YouTube has an incredible 1 billion unique users every month and can be accessed from desktop computers, mobiles, tablets and even TVs.

YouTube Channel Profile Image Size

The profile image is displayed on your main channel page and also in the YouTube search results.

The profile image for a YouTube channel should be 800 pixels wide x 800 pixels in height.

Note: YouTube crops the image into a circle so it is advisable to leave some whitespace around the sides of your profile image.

I use the following whitespace when I am adding a photo thumbnail to a YouTube channel profile image:

  • The left side of the image: 180 pixels
  • The right side of the image: 180 pixels
  • The top side of the image: 70 pixels
  • The bottom side of the image: 70 pixels

By adding the whitespace you can be assured your photograph will not be cropped out when displayed in the circle shape.

The same cropping sizes above should be applied when you are adding a company logo.

You can view an example of a YouTube profile image below.

Example YouTube Channel Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example YouTube Channel Profile Picture Safe Zone

YouTube Channel Background Image Size

YouTube gives you an option to add a background banner image (Hero Image) to your YouTube channel page.

The background image should be a minimum image size of 2650 pixels x 1440 pixels.

It is important that you design the background image correctly as not all content will show on tablet and mobile devices.

Safe area for mobile and web (without text and logo cropping) 1480 pixels x 430 pixels.

The banner can be uploaded in any of the following image types: JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG.

The maximum file size: 6 MB

I would recommend a minimum upload size of 4 MB to avoid a blurry background image.

Tip: If you are incorporating photos into your YouTube channel background then make sure you take landscape photos as these will fit the artwork better.

You can view an example of a YouTube channel background image below.

Example YouTube Channel Background Image Safe Zone

Example YouTube Channel Background Image Safe Zone

Example YouTube Channel Profile & Background Image

Example YouTube Channel Profile & Background Image

Tip: Don't forget to add your external links to your YouTube channel to drive traffic to your website and other social media platforms.

YouTube Video Thumbnail Image Size

Thumbnail images for videos uploaded to YouTube should be 1280 x 720 pixels.

The YouTube thumbnails can be uploaded in any of the following image types: JPG or PNG.

The maximum file size: 2 MB

Thumbnails should have a 16:9 aspect ratio, as it's the most used in YouTube players and video previews.

Important Tip: Often YouTube videos are shared on Facebook and other social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter. I would recommend leaving a 100 pixels whitespace area at the top and bottom of the thumbnail.

This area is highlighted in blue in the image below. You can add image content in this area but simply avoid adding text content or it may get cropped when shared to Facebook and other social networks.

Example YouTube Channel Thumbnail Image Safe Zone

Example YouTube Channel Thumbnail Image Safe Zone

YouTube Community Image Size

YouTube content creators with over 500 subscribers have access to the community tab on their YouTube channel page.

The community tab allows you to post videos, opinion polls and still images.

You can add up to 4 images per post, and the images are displayed in a square shape.

The best size for YouTube community images is 800 pixels x 800 pixels.

Images uploaded that are not squared shaped are cropped, but can still be fully viewed when the user clicks on the image.

YouTube also has a handy tool that allows you to select what part of the image should be displayed in the cropped square if you upload an image that is not a 1:1 ratio.

Example YouTube Community Post

Example YouTube Community Post

Tip: Upload video content often when you first start a YouTube channel to gain traction. Try to upload content based on a theme, for example, I only upload videos that are related to software educational training.

YouTube is a money machine and if you make content that is engaging it will get more views, YouTube will be able to display more adverts, that is how YouTube makes money and you can take a cut too!

Google My Business Image Sizes

Have you ever done a Google search and found a business listed in Google maps? If yes, then you are viewing a Google My Business profile.

Google My Business allows you to promote your business by uploading detailed information about your business, posting content like other social media platforms, adding images, opening hours, services or products you offer and lots more!

Google My Business Profile Image Size

If you have already followed the guidelines above for creating a profile image for Facebook or Twitter then you are in luck, you can simply upload the same image for the Google My Business profile image.

I use an image size of 720 pixels wide x 720 pixels in height (1:1 image aspect ratio) for the profile image.

Remember to leave whitespace around your logo so it does not sit too close to the edge as shown in the image below.

You can upload your profile image by going to the photo tab in your Google My Business Profile.

Example Google My Business Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Facebook Profile Picture Safe Zones

Google My Business Cover Image Size

The Google My Business Cover image is the first image displayed in your Google My Business profile when viewed in search results.

It is important that the image conveys a clear message about what your business offers as this is the primary image web users will see first on your profile.

The best image size for the Google My Business Cover image is 1024 pixels x 576 pixels.

I would recommend adding whitespace of 80 pixels around the edge of the image, this area can contain visual content but avoid adding text in the whitespace area as shown in the image below.

Note: Google My Business allows you to upload additional images to showcase your work, products or services. If one of these images trends (gets lots of views) then this image will be displayed instead of your cover image.

Example Google My Business Cover Image Safe Zone

Example Google My Business Cover Image Safe Zone

You can upload your Cover image by going to the photo tab in your Google My Business Profile.

Select Google My Business Cover Image Option

Select Google My Business Cover Image Option

Google My Business Team Photo Size

Google My Business gives you the option to upload images of team members.

The images can simply be photos of people who work in your business.

The best size for team photos is a 1:1 aspect ratio.

I currently use photos sized to 800 x 800 pixels.

Example Google My Business Team Member Images

Example Google My Business Team Member Images

Other Google My Business Image Sizes

In the photo section of Google My Business you will also see options to upload:

External Images

If you are running a business that has a physical location then you have the option to upload external images to your Google My Business profile. For example, if you are running a restaurant and you have outside seating then you can upload images to showcase or if you have a car sales business then you could upload external images for the car forecourt. I would recommend uploading square images sized 1000 x 1000 pixels if possible or 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Internal Images

Why not upload some internal images for your business location? If you are running a business where customers can visit you then it would be a good idea to showcase your business using some internal images. Internal images are ideal if you offer services or products where customers visit your location. Here are some good examples, restaurants, dentists, cosmetic clinics, pubs, clothes shops or any business location where the internal images simply look good! I would recommend uploading square images sized 1000 x 1000 pixels if possible or 1920 x 1080 pixels.

At Work Images

Showcase the human side of your business by uploading images of people at work. Show potential customers that your staff work in a friendly and clean environment. Uploading at work images is a great way to showcase your business and show customers that you provide an amazing working environment for your staff. I would recommend uploading square images sized 1000 x 1000 pixels if possible or 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Product listing Images

If you sell products or services, then why not list them in your Google My Business profile? Product or services added to Google My Business supports the following attributes:

  • Image
  • Product Name
  • Category
  • Description
  • Optional Button
  • Optional URL Link
  • Optional Price or Price Range

Tip: I would recommend you fill out all the attributes listed above for your listed products or services.

Example Google My Business Product or Service Listings

Example Google My Business Product or Service Listings

Example Google My Business Product or Service Search Results View

Example Google My Business Product or Service Search Results

Tip: Rember your Google My Business profile is used to showcase your business, think of it like a mini-website that is displayed in Google Maps and Google search results.

Make sure you upload eye-catching images and posts as often as possible.

Google recommends uploading images often as these can drive traffic to your Google My Business profile and potentially to your website.

Below you can see the stats for photo views from my Google Business profile.

Example Google My Business Photo View Stats

Example Google My Business Photo View Stats

Other Google My Business Image Post Size

Just like the other social networks mentioned above, Google My Business also allows you to post content to your business profile.

Note: Post added to Google By Business and displayed for 7 days.

At present Google allows you to create posts for:

  • COVID-19 Update
  • Offers
  • What's New
  • Events

The offer, what's new and event posts allow you to upload an image.

The image should be 1200 x 900 pixels. If you are adding text content to your image then you need to leave a 225 pixel whitespace as shown in the image below.

Note: The white spacing in the image below can still contain visual content.

Example Google My Business Image Post Safe Zone

Example Google My Business Image Post Safe Zone

Example Google My Business Image Post

Example Google My Business Image Post

When the above image is clicked or the "Learn more" link, the detailed view of the post is displayed as shown in the image below.

Example Google My Business Image Post Detailed View

Example Google My Business Image Post

View more information about Google business photo guidelines.

Reddit Image Sizes

Reddit is a social platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content that other users have posted.

To help manage the site and prevent spamming from bombarding readers, Reddit came up with “karma” points.

Users get karma points by their comments and links being up-voted by others in the community.

If you like the content you see you can give an award.

You can set up a personal profile and create your own group (subreddit). Each subreddit is dedicated to a specific topic, such as technology, photography, music, gaming etc.

The Reddit homepage complies and displays the most popular posts from different subreddit.

Reddit Profile Image Size

Reddit is like other social networks where you can upload a profile image.

I use an image size of 720 pixels wide x 720 pixels.

On the desktop website version, the profile image is displayed in a square shape, on the mobile app the profile image is cropped into a circle.

Remember to leave whitespace around your logo so it does not sit too close to the edge as shown in the image below.

Example Reddit Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Reddit Profile Picture Safe Zone

Example Reddit Profile Image

Example Reddit Profile Image

Note: In the above image you can see the Reddit profile picture is used in three locations, top left, top right and in the right-side panel.

Reddit Banner Image Size

Behind your profile image, you have the option to display a banner. The best size for the banner is 1000 x 300 pixels.

It should be noted that the banner displays less content on the Reddit mobile app compared to the desktop browser version.

In the image below you can see the safe zones for the mobile app banner image.

Example Reddit Banner Image Safe Zone

Example Reddit Banner Image Safe Zone

Example Reddit Desktop Profile & Banner Image

Example Reddit Desktop Profile & Banner Image

Example Reddit Mobile App Profile & Banner Image

Example Reddit Mobile App Profile & Banner Image

Article by Pankaj Shah: DCP Social Media Marketing

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