Pankaj Shah

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DCP Blog search results: September 2013


How to add a YouTube videos to your business Twitter page timeline

In this video tutorial, I will show how to add a YouTube video to your business Twitter page timeline. Give your YouTube videos traffic boost by simply sharing them on your twitter timeline. Sharing your YouTube videos on your social networks is a great way to gain more exposure. If you have great content on YouTube then why not share them on your social media networks today!


How to add a YouTube video to your Facebook business page timeline

In this video tutorial, I will show how to add a YouTube video to your Facebook business page timeline. Facebook is a social network where you can share your YouTube videos. Sharing videos on Facebook is very easy. If you have great video content on YouTube, then why not share it on Facebook as well?


How to batch process images using Adobe Fire Works

In this free video tutorial, I will show you how to batch process images using Adobe Fireworks. Batch processing can save you loads and loads of time so why not sit back, relax and let Adobe Fireworks do the job for you! Batch processing images can save you a lot of time. Adobe Fireworks is an image editing programme which allows you to automatically manipulate files using a batch process setup.


How to join MP3 files using Audacity 2.8 video tutorial

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to join MP3 Files using Audacity. Audacity is a free audio editing application which can be downloaded for Windows, Linux and Apple Mac computers. Audacity has many features for manipulating audio content. In this tutorial, I will show you how to join multiple MP3 files.


How to make a chart using Open Office 4 Calc Spreadsheet Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to make a chart using Open Office 4 Calc Spreadsheet. Creating charts can be a useful tool when you need to visualise data. For example, you may want to create a chart showing how much revenue you have generated over a specific period of time or make a cart to show how many customers visit your shop on a daily basis. The chart can be easily created using Open Office 4 Calc Spreadsheets.


How to open a zip file and make a zip file

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to open a zip file and make a zip file using 7Zip application. Understanding how to open and create Zip files can save you a lot of time. If you need to send lots of attachments in an email then creating a zip file can be a useful method as you will only have 1 file to attach to an email.


How to crop an image using Adobe PhotoShop

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to crop an image using Adobe Photoshop. When adding images to your website it is important that your crop images correctly to fit the space and also compress the image file size.


Open Office 4 - Calc Spreadsheet Beginners Tutorial

This is a free video tutorial I will aim to give you a basic understanding of Open Office 4 – Calc Spreadsheet. The goal of this video tutorial is to give you a fundamental understanding of how spreadsheets work. In this tutorial, we will use Open Office 4 Calc. We will cover various common aspects of spreadsheet applications. We will look at column data, row data, auto filters, cells, cell types, cell formatting, cell colour controls and much more.


How To Crop and Resize an Image Using GIMP 2.8 Video Tutorial

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to Crop and Resize an Image Using GIMP 2.8. GIMP is free and powerful image manipulation and editing program. You can download GIMP for Windows, Linux and Apple Mac computers. In this tutorial, I will focus on showing you how to crop and resize images. In most cases, this technique is used when adding images to your website. In essence, we are cropping and resizing the image to fit our website correctly but to also reduce the overall file size.


How to organise Windows 8 Metro Start screen tiles

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to organise your Window 8 Metro Start screen tiles.


How to Search in Windows 8 Store

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to Search in Windows 8 Store.







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