Pankaj Shah

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Blender 2.8 - Beginners Tutorial - [ 3D Text Animation Tutorial - Part 1 ]



(Click image above to watch video tutorial)

The goal of this tutorial series is to create a 3D text animation using blender 2.8.

In the first part of this Blender 2.8 Beginners Tutorial, I will show you how to set up a stage, rotate around objects, edit objects, create a stage, add materials to objects, render test frames, show you how to view EEVEE render in the viewport and much more.

Font used in tutorial:

If you are new to Blender then take a look at our Blender 3D animation tutorials.

Blender 3D Animation Tutorial Playlist on DCP YouTube channel.

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# how to download blender for windows 10

# how to download blender

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Blender 3D tutorial created by: DCP Web Designers


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